“Hyderabad’s Musi Riverfront: Catalyst for Economic Growth and Environmental Renewal”
Chief Minister of Telangana appealed to NITI Aayog Vice Chairman to collaborate in facilitating the release of Rs.1800 crore grants to Telangana from the Union Government. During his visit to New Delhi today, the CM met with the NITI Aayog Vice Chairman.
Government issues Scheme Guidelines for Pilot Projects on use of Green Hydrogen in the Transport Sector
The scheme will support development of technologies for use of Green Hydrogen as a fuel in Buses, Trucks and 4-wheelers, based on fuel cell-based propulsion technology / internal combustion engine-based propulsion technology. The other thrust area for the scheme is to support development of infrastructure such as hydrogen refuelling stations.
Government of Telangana decided to bring in a New Sand policy
Chief Minister of Telangana decided to bring in a New Sand policy for its sale in the state. The Chief Minister suggested to the officials the new policy should be formulated in accordance with the needs of the people along with generating revenue to the government. The officials have been asked to study the Sand policies adopted by Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and other states in the country.
Karnataka Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) (Amendment) Rules, 2024
These rules may be called the Karnataka Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) (Amendment) Rules, 2024. They shall come into force from the date of publication in the official Gazette. Amendment of rule 20.- In the Karnataka Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Rules, 1983, in rule 20, in sub-rule (1),- (i) for the Table I(a) and entries thereunder, the following shall be substituted, namely:- Table I(a) Consent fee for consent to establish or consent to expansion or consent to operate for Industries or Organization other than activities specified in Table I(b) and Table I(c).
Karnataka Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) (Amendment) Rules, 2024
The Government of Karnataka issued a notification, introducing the Karnataka Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) (Amendment) Rules, 2024 specifically focusing on the revised consent fees for industries, healthcare establishments, waste management activities, and projects with Diesel Generator Sets (DG Sets) as the sole source of air emission, with detailed tables specifying the fees based on capital investment and KVA rating of DG sets.
Unveiling the Tamil Nadu Government’s Role in Wildlife Conservation
Vulture census in Tamil Nadu has indicated that the number of vultures in the state is on the rise, as per the second synchronized vulture census undertaken by the Tamil Nadu Forest Department with participation of neighboring states of Kerala and Karnataka. The first landscape synchronized population estimation was conducted on 25th and 26th February 2023, which estimated the total number of vultures as 246. This survey was carried out in the Mudhumalai Tiger Reserve and the adjoining landscape consisting of Sathyamangalam Tiger Reserve in Tamil Nadu, Wayanad in Kerala, Bandipur Tiger Reserve and Nagerhole Tiger Reserve in Karnataka.
Navy Radar Station in Telangana
The Indian Navy has designated Telangana as a strategic base, with plans underway to establish the nation’s second Very Low Frequency (VLF) communication transmission station in the Vikarabad district. VLF communication transmission stations play a crucial role in facilitating communication with ships and submarines. The upcoming station will be situated in the Damagudem forest area near Puduru in the Vikarabad Mandal. This marks the second such facility in the country, with the first being the INS Kattabomman Radar Station in Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, serving the Navy since 1990.
New Wildlife Rules 2024 Introduced For Transactions & Taxidermy
According to these rules, any licensee intending to acquire, receive, or keep specified animals or animal articles, trophies, uncured trophies, or meat derived therefrom must obtain prior permission from the authorized officer. In the realm of taxidermy, licensed taxidermists or manufacturers must issue vouchers to owners returning trophies or animal articles.
AERB Holds Discussions On Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities and Release of Site from Regulatory Control
Discussions delved into national and International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safety requirements for decommissioning, as well as criteria followed by different countries for releasing sites from regulatory control post the termination of nuclear practices.
Central Government Designates Ports for Red Sanders Repatriation from Nepal
The Central Government has designated specific ports for the repatriation of red sanders from Nepal. The ports of entry and exist have been designated for the purpose of regulation of International Trade of red sanders between India and Nepal, ensuring strict adherence to environmental regulations and international trade norms.