CPCB Seeks Nominations for Ash Disposal Auditors for Coal Power Plants

CPCB is seeking nominations from experts affiliated with Institutes of National Importance (IITs, IISc, NITs), CSIR institutes and other central and state institutions focused on science, technology, research, and environment. Interested experts must submit nominations through their respective institution’s Director or Head by May 29, 2024.

Delhi Breathes Easier On Account Of Improvement in Air Quality

April 2024 saw the highest number of “Good to Moderate” air quality days (23) in Delhi since 2018 (excluding the 2020 lockdown year). This surpasses figures from previous years: 17 (2023), 0 (2022), 18 (2021), 30 (2020), 12 (2019), and 8 (2018). Additionally, the number of days with an Air Quality Index (AQI) exceeding 200 (considered “Poor” to “Severe”) also significantly decreased to just 7 in April 2024.

New Industrial Siting Guidelines Issued In Telangana

Minimum distances from rivers, lakes, and notified water bodies are specified for different industry categories based on pollution potential. Industries near scattered houses (less than 40 or population of 200) might require additional safeguards based on project specifics. Projects within 500 meters of a water body require a NOC from the Irrigation and Command Area Development (I&CAD) department to ensure no obstruction of natural drainage.

Rationalizing Parking Charges For Private Vehicles In NCR

The CAQM has urged Urban Local Bodies to disincentivize private vehicles by way of rationalizing the parking charges. This endeavor shall be completed and implemented expeditiously, but not later than 30.08.2024 and a compliance report must be submitted to the Commission.

Delhi Gears Up to Fight Mosquito-Borne Diseases

With the arrival of mosquito season, the Delhi Municipal Corporation has urged all institutions to take action against mosquito breeding grounds. Delhi Municipal Corporation (MCD) will take legal action against institutions that create mosquito breeding grounds.

CAQM Steps Up Fight Against Paddy Stubble Burning

The Commission for Air Quality Management (CAQM) in National Capital Region (NCR) and Adjoining Areas has issued a directive emphasizing stricter measures to control paddy stubble burning during the 2024 harvest season. The directive also urges the Government of NCT of Delhi and the state government of Rajasthan to make significant efforts towards eliminating paddy stubble burning during the upcoming season. All relevant states are required to submit monthly status reports on their actions taken based on the plan’s timelines and milestones.

CPCB Grants Recognition To Labs for Environmental Testing

The CPCB has published a table listing the newly recognized laboratories and their designated Government Analysts. These analysts are authorized to analyze air, water, and other environmental samples for specific groups of parameters.

Government Emphasizes Awareness and Collaboration For Management of Heatwaves

The Ministry informed that advisories emphasizing state compliance with the National Action Plan on Heat Related Illnesses were recently issued to Chief Secretaries. These plans detail essential medicine stockpiling, intravenous fluids, ice packs, ORS solutions, and public awareness campaigns. Additionally, the National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) has prepared a guide on recommended practices for both the general public and vulnerable individuals during summer months.