Introducing norms for Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure in Model building bye-laws 2016

On Dec 14, 2018, a notification has been issued by Ministry of power signifying the standards and guidelines for charging infrastructure for electrical vehicle. Now, to enable faster adoption of electrical vehicles (EVs) by providing affordable charging infrastructure and to encourage preparedness of Electric distribution system to adopt electrical vehicle charging infrastructure, amendments are made […]

Updated categorization of Green and White categories of industries by UPPCB

Directions was issued by CPCB to all States and Union territories under Sec 18 (1)(b) of the Water (Prevention and control of pollution) Act, 1974 and Air (Prevention and control of Pollution) Act, 1981 to publish the expanded list of Green and White categories of industries incorporating new or leftover industrial sectors which are being […]

WB to conduct surprise inspections under Water and Air Act

West Bengal Pollution Control Board (WBPCB) has announced that surprise inspection or inspection based on complaints will be conducted by the Board with specific orders from head of the concerned office of the Board in an Order dated 13th December, 2018. The Order has been made in line with the Business Reforms Action Plan, 2019 under the “Ease […]

CPCB directions on Air and Water consent (2nd November, 2018)

Central Pollution Control Board has released new directions, dated 2nd November, 2018 for State Boards to streamline the process of obtaining Consent under Air Act and Water Act for establishment of new industries. As per Environmental Impact Assessment Notification, 2006, all industries falling in Category A and B of Schedule, are required to obtain Clearance […]

NOC from Ground Water Authority is now mandatory for infrastructure projects

The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change issued an Office Memorandum on 2nd November, 2018, making No Objection Certificate mandatory where groundwater is proposed as water source in all Developmental Projects. Infrastructure projects are required to obtain NOC from the Central Ground Water Authority (“CGWA”) or the State Ground Water Authority (“SGWA”), as the case may be. […]

Graded Response Action Plan to combat air pollution in NCR Delhi region

The Union Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) has notified the Graded Response Action Plan to combat air pollution in NCR Delhi. The environment pollution (prevention and control) authority has now directed all the agencies to enforce the following actions as listed in the “very poor” category of the GRAP, the activities to […]

Bihar to ban manufacture, sale and use of polythene carry bags from october 25

Manufacture, sale and use of polythene will be illegal in urban areas of Bihar by the month-end and offenders might face penal action, which includes penalty of up to Rs 5,000. The Urban Development and Housing Department, Government of Bihar, has, through a notification dated October 12, 2018, issued the Model Bihar Municipality Plastic Waste […]

Plastic Ban imposed in the State of Odisha

Plastic Ban imposed in the State of Odisha with effective from October 02, 2018 In line with the Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016 effected by the Ministry of Environment, Government of India, the State Government of Odisha has passed an order regulating the use of Polythene Bags, thermocol and similar products. This Order applies to the […]