Environment Protection Compliances in Uttarakhand

The Uttarakhand Environment Protection and Pollution Control Board (UEPPCB) has released a public notice to inform all stakeholders to take caution and ensure not to breach license condition or legal requirements under the Environment Protection Laws, The list of such conditions and legal requirements are highlighted in the public notice. Object of this notice is to alert people for improvement as early as possible, so that subsequent hard action may be avoided.

Nagaland Pollution Control Board directs Health Care Facilities (HCFs) to file BMW Annual Return

The Nagaland Pollution Control Board, vide its recent notification NPCB/NGT-O.A.No.710/2017/1778 , has directed the Health Care Facilities (HCFs) to file Biomedical Waste Annual Returns, by 30th June every year, in Form IV. It has also stated that as per the Hon’ble National Green Tribunal (NGT), Principal Bench, New Delhi, order; implementation/ compliance of Bio-medical Waste […]

The Karnataka PCB has stipulated the cleaning capacity for barrel recyclers

As per the Hazardous and Other Waste (Management & Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016, the quantities of waste disposed is required to be expressed in terms of weight, in Form 4, for filing Annual Returns. Some of the waste generators have been giving the quantities by weight, while others by numbers of used barrels. Hence, there […]

Bio-Medical Waste Management (Second Amendment) Rules, 2019

The Bio-Medical Waste Management Rules are further amended to clarify the doubts related to phasing out of ‘Chlorinated bags’ arising from the as per Bio-Medical Waste Management (Amendment) Rules, 2018. The Rules as it stands today warrants Bio-medical waste generators including hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, dispensaries, veterinary institutions, animal houses, pathological laboratories, blood banks, health […]

Amendment in Hazardous Waste (Management& Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016

The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change has amended the Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management & Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016 vide notification dated 01 March 2019. Some of the salient features of the Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management& Transboundary Movement) Amendment Rules, 2019 are as follows: Solid plastic waste has been prohibited from import […]

No approval required for White category industries in Delhi

Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC) in its order dated 28th January, 2019 has clarified that industries under the White category need not obtain Consent to establish/ Consent to operate under the Air and Water Act. These industries will submit an online undertaking to DPCC and Auto-approval will be generated. This Auto-approval shall suffice the requirement […]

Categorization of Industries by Kerala State Pollution Control

The Kerala State Pollution Control categorized industries which are not included in the Red/ Orange/Green category based on the pollution creating potential. The following are the listed categories: Item Categorized Category Metal pipe bending unit without welding, heat treatment and painting White   Restaurants Seating capacity upto 36 seats Green E-Waste refurbishing unit White Collection […]

Guidelines Issued Regarding “One Time Use and Throwaway Plastics”

Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board has issued guidelines regarding consent procedures to banned “one time use and throwaway plastics” manufacturing industries to switch over to manufacture of other plastic products which are not in the scope of ban. The guidelines are as follows: The application for Consent under Water & Air Act submitted by the […]