Environment (Protection) 115 Amendment Rules, 2021

A guideline shall be published by the Central Pollution Control Board for handling, storage, management and utilisation of reject generated from DWPS and ODWPS within a period of six months from the date of publication of the Environment (Protection) 115 Amendment Rules, 2021.

Ministry of Environment notifies regulation on extended procedure responsibility for plastic packaging.

The regulation has notified the minimum level of recycling (excluding end of life disposal) of plastic packaging waste collected under EPR Target and only those plastics, which cannot be recycled such as multilayered multi-material plastics (at least one layer of plastic and at least one layer of other material), will be sent for end of life disposal such as road construction, waste to energy, waste to oil, cement kilns (for co processing) etc. as per relevant guidelines issued by Indian Road Congress/CPCB from time to time.

MoHFW revises Health Benefit Package of Ayushman Bharat PM-JAY.

In the revised version of Health Benefit Package (HBP 2.2), rates of some health packages have been increased by 20 percent to 400 per cent under PM-JAY. Around, 400 procedure rates have been revised and one new additional medical management package related to black fungus has also been added.

Rajasthan PCB issues revised schedule for inspection and monitoring

Green category industries with investment bellow 5 crores shall be inspected on a need basis,
Green category industries with investment above 5 crores shall be inspected Bi-annually,
Orange category industries shall be inspected annually and
Red category industries shall be inspected every six months.