MoA&FW issues a Press Release on its Ban of Certain Pesticides

The press release states that based on the receipt of new studies/reports/ references/ information by the government from time to time, registered pesticides are reviewed with regard to their safety and efficacy. After due consultation with the Registration Committee, along with the recommendations of the expert committees, the MoA&FW has banned or phased out several pesticides and their formulations. Simultaneously, the government is promoting the use of bio-pesticides. These are generally safer than chemical pesticides.

E-Waste (Management) Amendment Rules, 2023

Every producer shall provide the detailed information on the constituents of the equipment and their components or consumables or parts or spares along with a declaration of conformance to the reduction of hazardous substances provisions as and when required by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB). Additionally, the amendment also adds two substances to the exemptions listed in Schedule II of the E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2022.

DGS issues circular on Collection of data from all Indian Ships

The Directorate General of Shipping (DGS) has issued a circular regarding the collection of data from all Indian Ships irrespective of size. This data is sought for the Implementation of Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI), Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII), Single Use of Plastics, and issuance of Electronic Bulk Mail Delivery Note system (E-BDN) by Bunker Suppliers. The implementation will be verified in the International Safety Management (ISM) audits as applicable to company/ships and non-compliance will be viewed as a very serious issue by the Directorate and may lead to the withdrawal of respective certificates.

IRRS issues Report of its Extended Follow-up Mission to India in June 2022

Integrated Regulatory Review Service (IRRS) has issued a report on its extended follow-up mission to India. The mission was held from 9th to 20th June, 2022. The IRRS team concluded that AERB showed a strong commitment and professionalism to ensure that nuclear and radiation safety is implemented in the country. With respect to radiation sources facilities and activities, the IRRS team concluded that AERB generally implements the regulatory process and safety requirements in accordance with the IAEA safety standards.

Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers issues notice on Third-party Security Audit of the Dashboard Portal and CPDS Portal

The Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers has issued a notice on Third-party Security Audit of the Dashboard Portal and CPDS Portal. The notice invites quotes on estimates of expenditure and time to be taken for carrying out the Third Party Security Audit of the Dashboard portal and CPDS portal. The scope of work is also attached to the present notification. The quotes shall reach the Under Secretary to the Government of India at the e-mail by 23rd January, 2023.

BIS publishes Three Indian Standards in the area of Electronics

The Bureau of Indian Standards has published three significant Indian Standards in the area of Electronics. These are the Indian Standard for digital television receivers with built in satellite tuners, Indian Standard for USB Type C Receptacles, Plug and Cables and Indian Standards for Video Surveillance Systems.

DoT formulates the Indian Telegraph (Infrastructure Safety) Rules 2022

The Central government has envisioned fulfilling the communication needs of the citizens and enterprises through establishment of a resilient, secure, accessible and affordable Digital Communications Infrastructure and Services. The Press Information Bureau has publicised these Rules by its bulletin dated 6th January, 2023. In order to address the issues of safety to the existing telecom infrastructure, the Government has formulated the Indian Telegraph (Infrastructure Safety) Rules, 2022 published in the Gazette of India on 3rd January, 2023.