Haryana SOP for various Manufacturing Processes in the Factories

All the Factory Owners/ Stake Holders are advised to carry out their manufacturing process safely and in accordance with these Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). After 60 days from the date of this advisory, the officers of the Labour Department may inspect/check the status of compliance.

Gas Cylinders (Amendment) Rules, 2022

The amendment provides that all the high pressure cylinders and Cryogenic containers used for filling of Non-Toxic, Non-Flammable Gases and Liquids shall have permanent and tamper proof marking in form of Bar Code or RFID or QR code or any means of electronic identification number at conspicuous place on cylinders and containers.

Draft Agro Residue Utilization by Thermal Power Plants Rules, 2023

The draft rules seek to stipulate that all coal based thermal power plants of power generation utilities shall on annual basis mandatorily use minimum 5 percent blend of pellets / briquettes made of crop residue along with coal. These rules are sought to be made applicable to all the Thermal Power Plants Located in the Area falling in jurisdiction of Commission for Air Quality Management (CAQM) in NCR and Adjoining Areas constituted under “The Commission for Air Quality Management in National Capital Region and Adjoining Areas Act, 2021”.

Government of Rajasthan issues relaxations to boost use of solar power

Earlier the industries which plans to install the solar power must consult State Board before installing the same and the raise in capital due to the installation of solar power was included in the overall investment of the plant. Now, to boost industries to install solar power within premises, State Board has passed an order saying that the cost will be excluded from cost of capital for calculating consent fee, provided the industry should submit the evidence of consuming power from solar power plant.

Guidelines on extended producer responsibility for plastic packaging

The centralized EPR portal for plastic packaging has a separate module for the sale and purchase of surplus EPR certificates. The total number of registered producers, importers, and brand owners on the centralized EPR portal for plastic packaging is 5000 with an EPR target of 22.37 Lakh TPA.

ESIC issues Corrigendum on Not of Standard Quality drug batch of item No. 1962

The stakeholders are now informed that a Corrigendum has been received from Central Drugs Laboratory Kolkata in respect of the Batch No. of the item declared NSQ on 22.12.2022. In the notice dated 27th January, 2023 the batch number of the concerned NSQ drug was mentioned as TTQ2P5, however the batch number is TTQ2P3.