Green Credit Rules, 2023

To obtain green credits for these activities, a person or entity must register their activity with the Administrator. The application for registration is made electronically through a website established by the Central Government. Once the application is received, the designated agency verifies the activity, and upon successful verification, the Administrator grants a certificate of green credit.

Insecticides (Prohibition) Order, 2023

The Insecticides (Prohibition) Order, 2023, seeks to ensure responsible and safe use of insecticides while protecting both public health and the environment. The order underscores the importance of adhering to regulations in the agricultural sector and aims to prevent the misuse or overuse of certain insecticides that may have adverse effects on human health and the ecosystem.

Delhi’s Air Quality Deteriorates, Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) Initiated

According to the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) daily AQI Bulletin, the average Air Quality Index (AQI) in Delhi crossed the ‘Moderate’ threshold and entered the ‘Poor’ category, with a reading of 212. Given the predictions of continued ‘Poor’ air quality in Delhi for the next few days, Stage-I of GRAP has been invoked immediately across the entire National Capital Region (NCR).