Terms and Conditions for Assignment of Forest Land on Lease

The Central Government, has issued a comprehensive order specifying terms and conditions for the assignment of forest land on lease to government and private entities. This order was issued under Van (Sanrakshan Evam Samvardhan), Adhiniyam, 1980. The order was issued on November 29, 2023.

Allocation of Remaining Quantities of Raw Petroleum Coke

It was unanimously decided to distribute the remaining 0.4 million tonnes of RPC to all eligible calciners on a pro-rata basis, following the existing methodology adopted by the DGFT. Certain criteria were laid out, including considerations for those who had not applied before, surrendered significant quantities, or featured in specific reports.

Proposed Digitization of Processes under Insecticides Rules for Enhanced Regulation

The proposed eighth amendment addresses the licensing process for pest control operations involving Glyphosate and its derivatives. The proposed ninth amendment covers various aspects of licensing, record-keeping, and reporting. Some key highlights include the introduction of digital forms for license applications, maintenance of records, and reporting procedures.

New Specifications and Methods of Analysis Introduced for Fertilisers

The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare has notified the Fertiliser (Inorganic, Organic or Mixed) (Control) Tenth Amendment Order, 2023. The order introduces specifications for micronutrient fertilisers. The order also establishes the Method of analysis for these fertilisers.

Establishment of Hi-tech Dairy Plant in Namakkal

A hi-tech dairy plant with a production capacity of two-lakh liters per day will soon be set up in the district. The main objective of the scheme is to ensure livelihood and economic upliftment of milk producers in Namakkal district.

Government of Tamil Nadu Bans Nylon Thread Coated With Glass / MANJHA in Tamil Nadu

Order stated that the plastic coated Manjha thread was responsible for causing severe injury and sometimes even death of people, animals and especially birds during the kite flying competitions or otherwise. These plastic coated manjha threads cause severe environmental degradation by choking drainage lines and water bodies. It also causes suffocation of birds and other animals.

Establishment of New Cattle Feed Plant

The objective of the project is to provide optimum quality cattle feed to milk producers to ensure uninterrupted supply of balanced cattle feed to the affiliated unions and to increase the milk production by providing quality cattle feed. The project also proposes to utilize the energy efficient, green technology to reduce the Carbon Foot Print.

New Powers Conferred for Elevator Safety in Delhi

The delegation of powers to these officials reflects a proactive approach by the authorities to ensure the safety and well-being of the residents in Delhi. Elevator safety is a critical aspect of urban infrastructure, and this measure is expected to contribute to a more robust and effective regulatory mechanism for elevators across the National Capital Territory.