Enhanced Parking Fees For Private Vehicles In Delhi

The Commission has issued a directive to the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD), New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC), and Delhi Cantonment Board (DCB) to comprehensively review and revise parking charges in their respective jurisdictions. The strict implementation of these revised charges should be completed across Delhi by November 1, 2024.

New Notification on Preservation Of Trees

The notification is issued under the authority of sub-section (1) of section 5 of the Kerala Preservation of Trees Act, 1986. It imposes restrictions on the cutting, uprooting, burning, or otherwise destruction of trees in the specified

Draft Remediation of Contaminated Sites Rules, 2024

The Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change (MoEF&CC) has proposed draft regulations to address the remediation of contaminated sites in India. These rules aim to establish a comprehensive framework for cleaning up sites polluted by hazardous substances and ensure environmental protection.

Revised Environment Compensation for Violation of Plastic Waste Management Rules

The Environmental Compensation (EC) regime takes into account the cost incurred in managing plastic waste, which is estimated to be approximately Rs. 4000 per ton. To act as a deterrent, a deterrent factor of 2.5 is applied to the calculated EC, resulting in a total levy of Rs. 5000 per ton of plastic waste. The EC factor is inversely proportional to the collection of each category of plastic packaging waste, with higher ECs imposed for lower collection rates.

New Nagar Van Yojana to Green Urban Areas

The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change has issued a notification introduced the Nagar Van Yojana, a scheme aimed at developing and strengthening green belts in cities across India.

Draft Rules For Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Of Non-Ferrous Metals

Manufacturers, producers, collection agents, refurbishers, and recyclers of non-ferrous metals must register with the CPCB. The CPCB will generate EPR certificates for registered recyclers, acknowledging their contribution to recycling efforts. The validity of the extended producer responsibility certificate shall be two years from the end of the financial year in which it was generated.