PCI Extends Deadline for Pharmacy Institution Applications for 2025-26

The original deadline of January 17, 2025, has been extended to January 31, 2025. The PCI has emphasized that this is the final opportunity for institutions to submit their Student Information Form (SIF) for the 2025-2026 academic session. Institutions that fail to apply by the new deadline will not be considered for approval for the upcoming academic year.

PCI Addresses Duplicate PAN/Aadhar Error In DIGI-PHARMed Portal Registration

Pharmacists facing registration problems due to the “PAN CARD/Aadhar Already Exists” error can submit their details through a Google Form. A downloadable declaration form (Annexure 1) needs to be completed and submitted through the pharmacist’s institution on official letterhead. This declaration should be accompanied by the pharmacist’s latest self-attested documents.

Draft Regulations for Medical Faculty Eligibility

The primary aim of TEQ-2024 is to ensure uniform standards in the qualifications and experience of teaching faculty across graduate and postgraduate medical education. This includes detailed guidelines on the appointment of professors, associate professors, and other faculty positions.