SEBI extends the cut-off time for generation of last Risk Parameter File (RPF) for client’s margin collection purpose.

Clearing Corporations shall send minimum 4 snapshots of client wise margin requirement to TMs/CMs for them to know the intra day margin requirement per client in each segment. The number of times snapshots need to be sent in a day may be decided by the respective Clearing Corporation depending on market timings subject to a minimum of 4 snapshots in a day. The snapshots would be randomly taken in pre-defined time windows.

Investor charter for Investment Advisors

All registered Investment Advisors are advised to bring to the notice of their clients the Investor Charter by prominently displaying on their websites and mobile applications. Investment Advisors not having websites/mobile applications shall, as a one-time measure, send Investor Charter to the investors on their registered e-mail address.

Investor charter for Research Analysts

All registered Research Analysts are advised to bring to the notice of their clients the Investor Charter by prominently displaying on their websites and mobile applications. Research Analysts not having websites/mobile applications shall, as a one-time measure, send Investor Charter to the investors on their registered e-mail address.