SEBI allows any investor having any dispute with the listed entity, STA or registrar to an issue to apply to the stock exchange for arbitration
All listed entities shall intimate the same to investors through email or SMS.
NSE notifies on Display of Details of Client Bank Accounts on Websites
The notification advises members to display details of all their active client bank accounts on their website which are reported to Exchange, on Enhanced Supervision of Stock Brokers. This intends to bring greater transparency in the dealings between the clients and the stock brokers and foster investor awareness.
RBI issues Premature Redemption Price for Premature Redemption under SGB Scheme
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued the Premature redemption under Sovereign Gold Bond (SGB) Scheme – Redemption Price for premature redemption due on 4th February, 2023. The redemption price of SGB shall be based on a simple average of the closing price of gold of 999 purity, of the week (Monday-Friday), preceding the redemption date.
NSE issues circular on excess STT collected by members
The National Stock Exchange (NSE) has issued another circular on excess Securities Transaction Tax (STT) collected by the members. ll the Members, Brokers/Sub-brokers are requested to furnish the details of such excess STT collected and retained with them for F.Y. 2020-21 and preceding years as of 31st March, 2020. These details shall be furnished directly to ‘NATIONAL STOCK EXCHANGE OF INDIA LTD’ under intimation to the office of the Vice-President of the NSE.
NSE notifies the Listing of SDLs on the capital market segment
The National Stock Exchange (NSE) has issued a notification regarding the Listing of State Development Loans (SDLs) on the capital market segment. The notification states that the list of securities shall be further admitted to dealings on the National Stock Exchange (Capital Market segment) and the designated security codes thereof shall be as specified. The notification shall come into effect from 30th January, 2023.
NSE extends timelines for Extranet Functionality
The National Stock Exchange (NSE) issued a notification enhancing the timelines in Extranet Functionality. Access to the Extranet for internet users via Internet FTP and usage of Guest login credentials was to be discontinued from 28th January, 2023. The deadline has now been extended till 18th February, 2023. This extension in timelines was granted based on the feedback from members.
RBI publishes Discussion Paper on Securitisation of Stressed Assets Framework (SSAF)
The RBI has published a Discussion Paper on Securitisation of Stressed Assets Framework (SSAF). The discussion paper delineates the broad features of the proposed framework on securitisation of stressed assets (SSAF). Additionally, it solicits views/comments on critical issues of SSAF since securitisation of non-performing assets (NPAs) has features that distinguish it from the securitisation of standard assets. The paper also details 13 specific questions on which comments are solicited from the public. The last date to furnish these 28th February, 2023.
SEBI underlines the need for analysis and disclosure of risks of trading in F&O
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has issued a press release underlining the need for analysis and disclosure of risks of trading in the Futures and Options (F&O) segment. The press release pints out the SEBI has conducted an analysis of the trends in both participation and in profits and losses of individual traders in the equity F&O segment under the supervision of a working group.
Standard Operating Process under SEBI (PIT) Regulations, 2015 for ensuring compliance with Structured Digital Database (SDD)
The listed entities to whom the provisions of Regulation 24A of SEBI(LODR) Regulations, 2015 are applicable, the Secretarial Auditor of those entities shall also specifically confirm compliance with the requirement of SDD by the listed entities in its Annual Secretarial Audit Report.
SEBI introduces Information database and Repository on Municipal Bonds
SEBI had organised an outreach programme on Municipal Bonds and Municipal Finance on 20th and 21st January, 2023 at New Delhi. This programme formed a part of SEBI’s initiative to develop Bond markets. The event also witnessed the launching of an Information Database including a repository of information pertaining to Municipal Bonds on the SEBI website. The database is intended not merely to serve as a guide but also to create awareness about municipal debt securities.