Framework for Adoption of Cloud Services by SEBI Regulated Entities
REs which are currently availing cloud services (as on date of issuance of this framework) shall ensure that, wherever applicable, all such arrangements are revised and they (RE) shall be in compliance with this framework not later than 12 (twelve) months from the date of issuance of the framework.
BSE notifies the List of securities moving into their respective Graded Surveillance Measure (GSM) Stages
Trading members are requested to note that the specified securities will be moved to their respective higher stages of GSM. They will also attract the prescribe surveillance actions as per the provisions of GSM Framework.
BSE notifies Surveillance Measure for securities under IBC
Members are hereby requested to note that from 8th March, 2023 the specified securities as per attached Annexure I have satisfied the criteria under Additional Surveillance Measures (ASM) for Companies as per Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC).
BSE notifies inclusions in “T” or “XT” Group in Trade-To-Trade Scrips
The BSE with a view to take preventive surveillance measure to ensure market safety and safeguard the interest of the investors, has decided to take certain surveillance actions.
IFSC issues Guidelines for execution of block deals on the Bullion Exchange
The IFSC has deemed it necessary to enable a mechanism for execution of large trades in gold in a single transaction without putting either the buyer or the seller in a disadvantageous position. In order to facilitate execution of such large trades, the Bullion Exchange is being permitted to provide a separate trading window for this purpose.
Securities Contracts (Regulation) (Stock Exchanges and Clearing Corporations) (Amendment) Regulations, 2023
The Amendment Regulations state that every recognised stock exchange and recognised clearing corporation shall abide by the Code of Conduct as specified under Part-A of Schedule-II of these regulations.
Securities and Exchange Board of India (Depositories and Participants) (Amendment) Regulations, 2023
The Amendment Regulations, inter alia, have now defined the term “non-independent director” to mean “a director elected or nominated by the shareholders who are neither depository participants nor their associates and agents”. Furthermore, the Amendment Regulations also state that the employee of a depository shall not simultaneously be an employee of any other company where the depository has invested.
SEBI Master Circular for Foreign Venture Capital Investors (FVCIs)
Applicants desirous of registering with SEBI as FVCI shall obtain firm commitment from their investors for contribution of an amount of at least USD 1 million at the time of submission of applications seeking registration as FVCI. The online system can be used for application for registration, reporting and filing under the provisions of FVCI Regulations.
NSE clarifies on the applicability of Surveillance Measures for Companies with High Encumbrance
From 8th March, 2023, on all open positions as on 6th March 2023 and new positions created from 8th March, 2023, the securities specified in Annexure I must satisfy the criteria for inclusion under Surveillance Measures and shall attract minimum 35% margin in equity and equity derivatives segment.
NSE notifies Measures for Companies with High Promoter and Non-Promoter Encumbrance
From 6th March, 2023, on all open positions as on 3rd March 2023 and new positions created from 6th March, 2023, the securities specified in Annexure I must satisfy the criteria for inclusion under Measures and shall attract minimum 75% margin in equity and equity derivatives segment.