E- wallet for investment in Mutual Funds
SEBI has permitted use of e- wallet for investment in Mutual Funds within the umbrella limit of INR 50,000 for investments by an investor through both e- wallet and/or cash, per Mutual Fund per financial year.
NSE publicises certain Norms issued by SEBI
It may be recalled that the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) had previously issued a Circular called “Common and simplified norms for processing investor’s service requests by RTAs and norms for furnishing PAN, KYC details and Nomination”. The NSE has now publicised this Circular.
NSE clarifies on the Path of filing of disclosures related to Corporate Action on NEAPS Portal
Listed entities are requested to ensure that the intimation regarding any corporate action is separately intimated to the Exchange. A separate tab for Corporate Actions is available on the NEAPS Portal. Thus, all intimation regarding Record Date or Book Closure Dates for any Corporate Action is to be filed separately under this tab.
Master Circular for Portfolio Managers
SEBI may consider grant of certificate to an applicant, notwithstanding that another entity in the same group has been previously granted registration by SEBI
BSE clarifications regarding implementation of TRAI Guidelines to curb spam SMSes and misuse of headers and Content Templates by unauthorized Telemarketers
All intermediaries who send bulk SMS may be sensitized about the guidelines.
NSE Revises list of Approved Securities and Approved Banks in Futures and Options Segment
The Circular, inter alia, stipulates for market wide applicable limit, member security specific limits and applicable haircut rates for each of the securities.
NSE Revises list of Approved Securities and Approved Banks in Commodity Derivatives Segment
The revised list of approved securities, GOI securities, open ended mutual funds, corporate bonds and list of approved banks for issuance of bank guarantees (BG)/fixed deposit receipts (FDR) comprises 7 annexures enumerated in the Circular.
Common and simplified norms for processing investor’s service requests by RTAs and norms for furnishing PAN, KYC details and Nomination
This circular shall come into force with effect from April 01, 2023.
Securities and Exchange Board of India (Foreign Portfolio Investors) (Amendment) Regulations, 2023
The amendment mandates that in case of any direct or indirect change in structure or common ownership or control of the foreign portfolio investor or investor group, it shall, as soon as possible but not later than seven working days, bring the same to the notice of its designated depository participant.
Additional affirmations to be submitted by Practicing Company Secretaries (PCS) in Annual Secretarial Compliance Report (ASCR)
NSE issues Revised Annual Secretarial Compliance Report (ASCR) format.