Clarification regarding disclosures and compliance requirements for Issuance and Listing of Municipal Debt Securities under SEBI (Issue and Listing of Municipal Debt Securities) Regulations, 2015

Accordingly, an issuer under the ILMDS Regulations may issue a green debt security if it falls within the definition of “green debt security”, as per Regulation 2(1)(q) of the NCS Regulations. Such issuer, shall, in addition to the requirements prescribed under the ILMDS Regulations and circulars issued there under, comply with the provisions for ‘green debt security’, as specified under the NCS Regulations and circulars issued thereunder.

Clarification regarding implementation of Scheme(s) of Arrangement by entities who have listed their Non-convertible Debt securities(NCDs)/Non-convertible Redeemable Preference shares (NCRPS)

An entity that has listed only NCDs/ NCRPS, shall file the draft scheme of arrangement along with fees as specified in Clause 2 of Schedule XI of the Listing Regulations before stock exchange. In case an entity has listed both specified securities and NCDs/ NCRPS, a single filing of the draft scheme of arrangement would suffice.