SEBI extends timelines for entering & verification of details of existing outstanding non-convertible securities in ‘Security and Covenant Monitoring’ system

Issuers must ensure that the details of existing outstanding non-convertible securities are entered into the system on or before 31st January 31, 2023. The DTs shall verify these entries by 28th February, 2023. The DTs shall also submit a fortnightly progress report of compliance status regarding the details pertaining to existing outstanding non-convertible securities being entered into the system by the issuers and verification of the same, till the extension of the timeline for compliance is in place.

SEBI direction for enforcement of Operational guidelines for ‘Security and Covenant Monitoring’ using Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT)

Depositories shall ensure periodic monitoring regarding compliance with the requirements under “Operational guidelines for ‘Security and Covenant Monitoring’ using Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT)” from time to time. Any instances of non-compliance, shall be brought to the notice of SEBI on a quarterly basis, not later than one month from the end of the quarter.

Standardization of the BSE to Member Interface

The new standardized file formats in Non-Competitive Bidding (Gsec, SDL & T-bills) and for NDS-RST participants bulk upload have been made available and are being disseminated in new formats. The old (existing) and new files for Non-Competitive Bidding shall be simultaneously available for use till March 31, 2023, after which old (existing) files shall be discontinued.

Securities Contracts (Regulation) Amendment Rules, 2022

The Central Government may, in public interest, exempt any listed entity in which the Central Government or State Government or public sector company, either individually or in any combination with other, hold directly or indirectly, majority of the shares or voting rights or control of such listed entity, from any or all of the provisions of this rule.