FAQ for Reporting of Bank Guarantees
NSE Members need to report total BG amount as collateral with NCL across all segments with bifurcation of Total BG amount (out of client funds) as collateral and total BG amount (out of prop funds).
SEBI issues Comprehensive guidelines for Investor Protection Fund and Investor Services Fund at Stock Exchanges and Depositories
The guidelines provides that all stock exchanges and depositories shall establish an IPF. The IPF of the stock exchanges and depositories shall be administered through separate trusts created for the purpose.
SEBI Consultation Paper for mandating additional disclosures from Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs) to guard against possible circumvention of Minimum Public Shareholding misuse of the FPI route to circumvent the requirements
it is proposed that enhanced transparency measures for fully identifying all holders of ownership, economic, and control rights may be mandated for certain objectively identified high-risk FPIs that fulfil certain criteria. Specifically, such identification should be done on a look-through basis down to the level of natural persons, public retail funds, or large listed corporates, without applying any materiality thresholds, and notwithstanding any equivalent PMLA rules or secrecy laws that may be applicable in other jurisdictions of their domicile (including tax havens, if any).
SEBI Modifies Guidelines for contribution to IPF and Investor Services Fund
SEBI’s circular dated 30 Maymodifies guidelines for Investor Protection Fund (IPF) and Investor Services Fund (ISF). It establishes separate trusts for IPF and ISF, specifies contributions from stock exchanges and depositories, outlines fund utilization and deployment, and mandates disclosures. The changes aim to enhance investor protection and improve fund management in India’s securities market.
Consultation paper for seeking public comments and to provide clarity with respect to pro-rata and pari-passu rights of investors of Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs)
The comments shall be sent latest by June 04, 2023 preferably by email to afdconsultation@sebi.gov.in with a copy to Ms Padma Bharathi S, Manager (padmab@sebi.gov.in ) or by post in the address given in the notice.
Revision in computation of Core Settlement Guarantee Fund in Commodity Derivatives Segment
Clearing Corporations in Commodity Derivatives Segment to align their core SGF in terms of SEBI circulars dated August 27, 2014 as well as July 11, 2018.
NSE Reminder for submission of Internal Audit Report for the half year ended March 31, 2023
The member shall comply with all the regulatory requirements to avoid any penal charges/disciplinary action for the non/late submission of the report.
Fee structure for the entities undertaking or intending to undertake permissible activities in IFSC
The fees payable to the Authority include application fee, recurring fee and activity based fee.
Clarifications regarding Status of operations at Disaster Recovery (DR) Site of the Broker Dealers and Clearing Members registered with IFSCA
It is hereby clarified that operations carried out by the Broker Dealers and Clearing Members, from their respective DR sites located outside GIFT-IFSC and within India, shall be deemed to have been carried out at GIFT-IFSC.
SEBI Consultation Paper on the proposal to review Qualified Institutional Buyer status of Alternative Investment Funds, Venture Capital Funds and Foreign Venture Capital Investors
It is proposed that with regard to AIFs, VCFs and FVCIs, the following shall be considered as QIBs –
AIFs and VCFs, other than those having 50% or more contribution from a single investor or investors belonging to the same group. (Explanation – ‘same group’ shall include relatives and related parties as defined in Companies Act 2013)
FVCIs, other than those FVCIs who are corporate bodies and family offices.