Legal framework for a New category of Mutual Fund schemes for Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) Investing and related disclosures
Mutual Funds shall disclose in the monthly portfolio statements of ESG schemes security wise BRSR Core scores{as and when the same is made available by SEBI registered ESG Rating Provider (ERPs)},along with the BRSR scores.
Consolidated Cybersecurity and Cyber Resilience Framework for SEBI Regulated Entities
Framework compliance reporting shall be done by REs to their respective authorities in the standardized formats notified by SEBI.
Clarification regarding disclosure of material events / information by listed entities under SEBI LODR Regulation
This circular shall come into force from July 15, 2023.
Master circular for compliance with the provisions of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 by listed entities
The master circular seeks implementation of certain recommendations of the Committee on Corporate Governance headed by Mr. Uday Kotak.
Master Circular for ESG Rating Providers
In the interest of clarity to market participants, it is mandated that ESG ratings shall be provided on a scale of 0 –100, where 100 represents the maximum score. For existing outstanding ESG ratings, the ERPs shall disclose new rating symbols and definitions on their websites and update their rating lists on their websites. For various ESG rating products (ESG rating, core ESG rating, transition or Parivartan score, other ESG rating products), ERPs shall ensure use of suitable nomenclature (use of prefixes or suffixes, etc.) that enables the end user(s) to differentiate ESG rating products from each other.
IFSCA (Banking) (Amendment) Regulations, 2023
These amendments aim to refine and enhance the regulatory framework governing banking activities within International Financial Services Centres (IFSCs).
IFSCA publishes comments received on draft amendment to banking regulations
There shall be no centralized deposit insurance scheme for deposits of a Banking Unit operating as a branch of the Parent bank.
Applicable handbooks for banking entities in International Financial Services Centers Authority
Banking entities are directed to ensure compliance to these handbooks.
International Financial Services Centres Authority (Capital Market Intermediaries) (Amendment) Regulations, 2023
If same entity is operating as both distributor and investment advisor, an investment adviser shall maintain an arm’s length relationship between its activities as investment adviser and distributor by providing advisory services through a separately identifiable department or division.
Clarification to entities remitting the fee to International Financial Services Centres Authority in INR
The RBI reference rate is available at