Revised draft IFSCA (Payment Services) Regulations, 2023

The draft regulations are placed on the website of the IFSCA at General public and stakeholders are requested to forward their comments/suggestions through e-mail to Mr. Supriyo Bhattacharjee at and Mr. Vaibhav Sattavan at on or before November 10, 2023 in the attached format. The comments may be provided in MS Word or MS Excel format only.

Base Minimum Capital Deposit for Category 2 Execution Only Platforms

The members of stock exchanges functioning only in EOP segment (Category 2 EOP) shall maintain a sum of Rs. 10 Lakhs with the stock exchange as BMC deposit. However, for members having registration of more than one segment on the same stock exchange, the BMC deposit requirement shall not be additive for such number of segments and shall be the highest applicable BMC deposit, across various segments.