SEBI has issued a Master Circular for Research Analysts

As per the circular, stock Exchanges shall now be recognised entities for administration and supervision of Research Analysts (‘RAs’) and Investment Advisers (‘IAs’) named RAASB- Research Analyst Administration and Supervisory Body IAASB- Investment Adviser Administration and Supervisory Body respectively. In order to ensure efficiency in the system and economies of scale, RAASB and IAASB shall be one and the same stock exchange.

Securities and Exchange Board of India (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) (Amendment) Regulations, 2024

The amendment provides that the effect on the price of the equity shares of the target company due to material price movement and confirmation of reported event or information may be excluded as per the framework for determination of the offer price under this regulation. Further, the effect on the price of the listed equity shares, which are offered as consideration, due to material price movement and confirmation of reported event or information may be excluded as per the framework for determination of the price of equity shares under this regulation.

Master Circular for Credit Rating Agencies

In case a CRA holds multiple registrations with SEBI, it shall make only one application to SEBI addressed to “Chief General Manager, DDHS, SEBI”. The prior approval granted by SEBI shall be valid for a period of 180 days from the date of communication.

MCA extends last date for filing of LLP BEN-2 and LLP Form No. 4D

Keeping in view of transition of MCA-21 from version-2 to version-3 and to promote compliance of reporting requirements by Limited Liability partnerships, it is decided by the competent authority that LLPs may file Form LLP BEN-2 and LLP Form No’ 4D, without payment of any further additional fees, up to 01.07.2024.