Consultation Paper on Framework for Price Discovery of Shares of listed Investment Companies & listed Investment Holding Companies

A novel special call-auction mechanism, devoid of price bands, is proposed for listed ICs and IHCs experiencing significant discounts to their book values is proposed. This mechanism aims to unlock fair value and stimulate liquidity in these securities. Key criteria for eligibility include industry classification, trading history, and asset allocation in listed companies.

Standard Timings for Availability of Trading related data in NSE

Comprehensive online data concerning margins & collaterals are systematically conveyed through the RTRMS & Collateral applications. Members are equipped to employ trade information, margin parameters and settlement price data to compile essential back-office reports to facilitate EOD procedures.

IFSCA Banking Handbook PRU Directions v5.0

The Governing Body must ensure that the IBU’s senior management establishes and implements policies to give effect to these rules. The Governing Body must approve significant policies and any material changes to them and must ensure that the policies are fully integrated with each other.

NSE has informed that the timeline for reporting of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) applications and systems has been revised

The submission of AI/ML applications is mandatory for all active Trading Members of the Exchange (i.e. those who have executed even a single trade during the half year/annual period as mentioned above) irrespective of whether they are using AI/ML systems or not. The Trading Members who are not using AI/ML systems are also required to report NIL submission.