Consultation paper on proposed revised ‘Framework for undertaking Global/Regional

The circular is proposed to be revised to streamline the permissible activities/services undertaken by treasury centers and to introduce elements aligned with international best practices. This would make it attractive for entities to set up their treasury centers in the IFSC while ensuring the Authority has due oversight over their activities.

IFSCA has launched Single Window IT System (SWIT System)

This unified one stop digital platform has been conceptualized and developed by IFSCA to facilitate ease of doing business in the International Financial Services Centre (IFSC) by streamlining the application process and eliminating the need for businesses to navigate multiple Authorities independently for various necessary approvals.

Caution to Public – Dealing with unregistered Broker Dealers in the IFSC

IFSCA has cautioned public about dealing with unregistered Broker Dealers in the IFSC. It has come to the notice of IFSCA that some entities claiming to be Broker Dealers in the GIFT-IFSC are offering investment services, particularly over social media platforms like WhatsApp and luring the general public in making spurious investments by promising high returns.

Upcoming Dry Days for Bye-Elections in South Andaman

The Directorate of Information, Publicity & Tourism, Andaman & Nicobar Administration (DIPR) on September 11th 2024 issued a circular declaring DRY DAYS on account of bye-elections for gram panchayat ward members.

New Telangana MSME Policy 2024

The Telangana MSME Policy 2024 is a bold step towards creating a conducive environment for micro, small, and medium enterprises.

SEBI enables T+2 trading of Bonus shares where T is the record date

SEBI, as a part of the continuing endeavor to streamline the process of Bonus issue of equity shares, in consultation with the market participants, has decided to reduce the time taken for credit of bonus shares and trading of such shares, from the record date of the Bonus Issue under SEBI (ICDR) Regulations, 2018, enabling T+2 trading of Bonus shares where T is the record date.