New Jharkhand State Electricity Regulatory Commission (Prepaid Smart Metering)Regulations 2024
Prepaid Smart Metering Regulations, 2024 are designed to apply to all consumers and distribution licensees involved in electricity distribution and supply within Jharkhand.
Revised Minimum Wages in Chhattisgarh: Effective October 2024
The new wage structure is for 45 scheduled employments across various sectors, including government departments and agricultural employment.
Minimum Wages Revised in Madhya Pradesh for October 2024 to March 2025
The revised minimum rates of wages for 67 Scheduled Employments effective from 01 October 2024
SEBI Measures to Strengthen Equity Index Derivatives Framework for Increased Investor Protection and Market Stability
SEBI has issued regulations, targeted at stock exchanges and clearing corporations, focus on enhancing investor protection and bolstering market stability. With increased retail participation and speculative trading in index derivatives, SEBI has proactively introduced steps to maintain the integrity of the derivatives market.
SEBI has provided for review of Stress Testing Framework for Equity Derivatives segment for determining the corpus of Core Settlement Guarantee Fund (Core SGF)
SEBI, after consultation with relevant market participants in its Risk Management Review Committee, has decided to introduce the following additional hypothetical stress testing scenarios/methodologies for determining the Minimum Required Corpus(MRC)of Core SGF in the equity derivatives segment.
SEBI relaxation from compliance with certain provisions of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015
SEBI has relaxed the requirement whereby a listed entity shall send proxy forms to holders of securities in all cases mentioning that a holder may vote either for or against each resolution. This relaxation shall be in effect till September 30, 2025.
SEBI has issued a draft circular on “Facilitation to SEBI registered Stock Brokers to access Negotiated Dealing System-Order Matching (NDS-OM) for trading in Government securities”
The net worth of the SBU shall be kept segregated from the net worth of the stock broker in the securities market. Net worth criteria for stock broker shall be satisfied after excluding account of the SBU. As the activities of the SBU shall be under the jurisdiction of another regulatory authority, Grievance Redressal Mechanism and Investor Protection Fund (IPF) of the stock exchanges and SCORES shall not be available for investors availing the services of the SBU.
Transforming Transactions: The Latest Changes to Madhya Pradesh Labour Welfare Rules
This change focuses on the mode of payment from the welfare fund, enhancing the efficiency of financial transactions while ensuring proper oversight.
Paid Holiday Announced for Haryana’s General Elections
On Saturday, October 5, 2024, all Haryana Government offices, boards, corporations, and educational institutions will observe a paid holiday
Enhancing Transparency: The Game-Changing Compliance Inspection Dashboard in West Bengal
The newly introduced Compliance Inspection Dashboard is designed to bring transparency to information dissemination and streamline the application process for various services under the Labour, Boiler, and Factories Acts.