Master Circular for Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements
SEBI has introduced an online system for filings related to public issues, rights issues, institutional placement programme, schemes of arrangement, takeovers and buy backs.
SEBI Master circular for compliance with the provisions of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 by listed entities
The circular provides the revised portion for approval of related party transactions.
SEBI Consultation paper on “Procedure for seeking waiver or reduction of interest in respect of recovery proceedings initiated for failure to pay penalty
Public comments are invited on the above “Procedure for seeking waiver or reduction of interest in respect of recovery proceedings initiated for failure to pay penalty”. The comments/ suggestions should be submitted by latest by December 02, 2024, through the online web-based form.
SEBI has issued a procedure for reclassification of FPI investment to FDI
In case the investment made by a Foreign Portfolio Investor (along with its investor group) reaches 10% or more of the total paid up equity capital of a company on a fully diluted basis and the FPI (along with its investor group) intends to reclassify its FPI holdings as Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), it shall follow extant FEMA Rules and circulars issued thereunder in this regard.
SEBI Clarification regarding trading supported by Blocked Amount in Secondary Market
In addition to the current mode of trading, the Qualified Stock Brokers (QSBs) shall provide either the facility of trading supported by blocked amount in the secondary market (cash segment) using UPI block mechanism or the 3-in-1 Trading Account facility, to their clients.
Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare launches Nationwide Digital Life Certificate Campaign 3.0 from 1st – 30th November,2024
SBI and PNB are leading the Campaign by generating more than 5 lacs DLCs during the 1st week of the month-long Campaign. Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu States are topping the list by generating more than 8.5 lacs DLCs during the 1st week of the month-long Campaign.
Consultation Paper on proposed review of the definition of Unpublished Price Sensitive Information under SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015
The comments along with rationale may be submitted by any of the following modes latest by November 30, 2024.
NSE advertisement Code for Online Bond Platform Providers
OBPPs are encouraged to use simple language and avoid the use of complex technical or legal terminology or excessive details which may confuse the investors. However, use of terminology widely accepted and related to the product shall be permitted.
New Government Directive for Onboarding Companies to the Trade Receivables Discounting System (TReDS)
MoMSME issued notification under the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development (MSMED) Act. 2006 for enhancing the scope for mandatory onboarding on TReDS
Extension of Public Utility Service Status to Copper Mining Industry
The Ministry of Labour and Industry extended the status of public utility service to the Copper Mining Industry for an additional six months.