RBI Extends Resolution timelines on stressed assets under the prudential framework

Lenders are required to implement a resolution plan in respect of entities in default within 180 days from the end of Review Period of 30 days. However RBI has decided that in respect of accounts which were within the Review Period as on March 1, 2020, the period from March 1, 2020 to May 31, 2020 shall be excluded from the calculation of the 30-day timeline.

Finance Minister announces COVID -19 Compliance reliefs

The Finance Minister on 24th March 2020 has announced several reliefs for easing the burden on the citizens of India for complying with the requirement of Income-tax Act, Companies Act, Goods and Service tax laws etc. The Finance Minister clarified that no financial emergency will be declared. The finance ministry is already working an economic package to mitigate the impact of coronavirus on the Indian economy.

Ministry of Finance Notifies rules for Banning of unregulated Deposit scheme.

The Ministry of Finance vide notification dated 12th February 2020, has published the Banning of Unregulated Deposit Schemes Rules, 2020 which provides for a comprehensive mechanism to tackle illicit deposit taking activities and various provisions related to information and particulars to be considered, manner of provisional attachment and administration of provisionally attached property.