DGFT imposes a ceiling on MEIS benefits for exports between 1st September 2020 and 31st December 2020

The notification states that the total reward which may be granted to an Importer- Exporter Code (IEC) holder under the Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS) will not exceed Rs. 2 crore. This ceiling applies per IEC. Further, the ceiling pertains to the exports made from 1st September 2020 till 31st December 2020. Additionally, the notification elucidates that the MEIS stands withdrawn with effect from 1st January 2021. Thus no benefits under this scheme will be available for exports made after 1st January 2021.

The Central Government adds to the lists of controlled substances through the NDPS (Regulation of Controlled Substances) Amendment Order 2020

The Amendment includes two more substances into the list of Schedule A Substances. These are substances whose manufacture distribution, sale, purchase, possession, storage and consumption are in accordance with the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Order, 2013. It also adds 4 substances to both, Schedule B and Schedule C. These Schedules cover substances whose export and import, respectively, are subject to the NDPS Order, 2013.

The Central Government notifies The Customs (Administration of Rules of Origin under Trade Agreements) Rules, 2020

These Custom Rules will apply to goods imported into India by importers who make claims of a preferential rate of duties in terms of trade agreements. Such importer will now have to fulfill specified conditions in order to make such claims. For example, the importer has to produce a certificate of origin covering each item of import. Furthermore, a claim of a preferential rate of duty can be denied without verification if, for instance,the certificate of origin produced is incomplete and not in accordance with the format specified in the Rules of Origin. Additionally, such importer is required to be in possession of specified relevant information in the prescribed format. In case of any uncertainty in regards to the authenticity of a certificate of origin, the verification authority may be requested to verify it.

FSSAI requires specified imported food products to be accompanied by Non-GM Origin cum GM Free Certificate

The Order includes a comprehensive list of imported food products such as apples, beans, rice, wheat, soybean, etc. These imported food products are required to be accompanied by a Non-GM Origin cum GM Free Certificate. This certificate must be issued by the competent National Authority of the exporting country. The Order also prescribes the format of the certificate which is required to contain details such as the names and addresses of exporters, manufacturers, consignees, quantity of products, etc. The Order will come into effect from the 1st January 2021.

The Governor of Bihar notifies The Bihar Financial (Amendment) Rules, 2020

The Amendment Rules envisage the addition of a new provision, to the Bihar Financial Rules, 1950, that empowers the State Government to impose restrictions on procurement from bidders from specified countries. These restrictions are to be imposed on the grounds of defence of India or matters directly or indirectly incidental thereto including national security. The State Government is empowered to impose such restrictions by a written order and no procurement can be made in violation of such orders.

CBIC omits Rule 4 of the Deferred Payment of Import Duty Rules, 2016

The erstwhile Rule 4 dealt with rendering information about intent to avail benefit of deferred payment facility. It stipulated that if an importer sought to obtain an order of clearance from the Customs Authorities for home consumption of imported goods and he wished to make deferred payment of the import duty, he was required to convey this to the Authorities. However, by virtue of the Deferred Payment of Import Duty (Amendment) Rules, 2020, this Rule has been done away with.

RBI notifies the Foreign Exchange Management (Export and Import of Currency) (Amendment) Regulations, 2020

The Amendment Regulations insert a new Regulation 9, empowering RBI to permit export or import of Indian currency, as an independent regulation. Prior to this amendment the said provision existed as a mere proviso. Therefore, on an application made to it, RBI can grant permissions to take/ send out of India to any country or bring into India from any country, currency notes of Government of India and /or of Reserve Bank of India. This is subject to terms and conditions specified by the RBI. Furthermore, the RBI must be satisfied that such import or export of Indian currency is necessary.

DGFT lifts export ban on all ventilators

All ventilators including any artificial respiratory apparatus or oxygen therapy apparatus or any other breathing appliance/device are now made free for export.