MCA applies certain sections of Companies Act to LLP Act.

Clauses of Section 164 of the Companies Act, which state that a director of a company which has defaulted on filing financial statements or annual returns for three consecutive years will be disqualified as director, shall apply to LLPs.

The Companies (Share Capital and Debentures) Amendment Rules, 2021.

A company having a share capital proposes to increase its subscribed capital by the issue of further shares, the offer shall be made by notice specifying the number of shares offered and the time period within which the offer shall be made for acceptance shall be not less than seven days from the date of offer.

Data analytics driven MCA 21 Version 3.0.

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has declared the launch of data analytics driven MCA 21 Version 3.0. by Fiscal year 2021-2022. The new version provides for E-Scrutiny, E-adjudication, E-Consultation, CMS, MCA Lab etc.