The Companies (Registration offices and fees) Amendment Rules, 2022.
Higher additional fees shall be payable, if there is a delay in filing e-form INC-22, or e-form PAS-3, as the case may be, on two or more occasions, within a period of 365days from the date of filing of the last such belated e-form for which additional fee or higher additional fee, as the case may be, was payable.
MCA provides relaxation on levy of additional fees in filing of e-forms.
No additional fees shall be levied upto 15th February 2022 for filing of e-forms AOC-4, AOC-4 (CFS), ADC-4 XBRL, ADC-4 Non-XBRL and upto 28th February 2022 for filing e-forms MGT-7 / MGT-7 A. During the said period, only normal fees shall be payable for the filing of the aforementioned e-forms.
Invitation of comments on proposed changes to the Corporate Insolvency Resolution and Liquidation Framework under IBC, 2016
It is proposed that the Code may be amended to provide that the resolution plan should mandatorily specify the manner of undertaking proceedings for avoidance of transactions and wrongful trading if such proceedings are to be continued after approval of the plan.
SEBI Clarifications on‘Common and simplified norms for processing investor’s service request by RTAs
Stock Exchanges and Depositories are advised to make necessary amendments to the relevant bye-laws, rules and regulations, operational instructions, as the case may be, for the implementation of the clarifications and to bring them to the notice of their constituents and also disseminate the same on the website.
MCA clarified that there is no extension in timeline for holding AGM
The prior circular dated 08.12.2021 shall not be construed as extension of timeline for holding annual general meeting.
Clarification regarding Conduct of Post mortem in Hospitals after sunset
However, cases under categories such as homicide, suicide, rape, decomposed bodies and suspected foul play should not be subjected for post mortem during night time unless there is a law and order situation. Post-mortem for organ donation should be taken up on priority and be conducted even after sunset, if adequate infrastructure is available.
MCA clarification on passing general and special resolutions through VC or OAVM
It has been decided to allow companies to conduct their EGMs through Video Conference (VC) or Other Audio Visual Means till (OAVM) or transact items through postal ballot t 30th June, 2022.
Companies whose AGMs are due in the Year 2021 may conduct AGMs through VC or OAVM
It has been decided to allow the companies whose AGMs are due in the Year 2021, to conduct their AGMs on or before 30th June 2022.
The Central Consumer Protection Authority (Form of annual statement of accounts and records) Rules, 2021.
As per rule 3, the central authority, at the expiration of a period of twelve months ending with the 31st March of every year, shall prepare a balancesheet, an income and expenditure account and receipt and payment account in Form – I, Form – II and Form – III, respectively and shall preserve accounts and other relevant records for a minimum period of five years following the financial year to which they relate.
MCA has taken various measures to ameliorate difficulties faced due to COVID-19 pandemic.
The companies have been allowed to hold Extraordinary General Meetings (EGMs) through Video Conferencing (VC) or other audio-visual means (OAVM) complemented with e-Voting facility/simplified voting through registered emails till 30th June, 2021. Considering the second wave of COVID-19, the Ministry has extended the aforesaid time limit to 31st December, 2021.