The Electronic Duty Credit Ledger Regulations, 2021.

The duty credit available in the e-scrip in the ledger shall be used for payment of duties of Customs specified in the First Schedule to the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 and the e-scrip shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of its creation in the ledger and any duty credit in the said e-scrip remaining unutilized at the end of this period shall lapse.

Clarification regarding issue of duty credit for goods exported under the Scheme for Remission of Duties and Taxes on Exported Products

Duty credit shall be issued by Customs in excess of the ineligible amount of duty credit pertaining to the unrealized portion of sale proceeds against export of goods made earlier. If the Principal Commissioner of Customs or Commissioner of Customs has reason to believe, on the basis of risk evaluation or on the basis of enquiry, that the claim of duty credit made by an exporter on export goods may not be bona fide, he may direct, for reasons to be recorded in writing, to allow duty credit after realization of sale proceeds of such exports.

Revised import policy for import through IOC

The revised policy allows Import through IOC by entities other than companies who have been granted rights for marketing of transportation fuels for products excluding gasoline and automotive diesel fuel, not containing bio-diesel.