Delhi Development Authority approves changes in MPD – 2021 allowing household industrial units in residential areas.

The Delhi Development Authority in its Notification dated 11th December 2019 issued approval of the change in master plan of Delhi 2021 under which Household industrial units with maximum 09 workers and 11 KW power may be allowed to continue in residential areas and new industrial units of this type could be permitted in residential area with the condition that no polluting industrial units shall be permitted as household industry.

TNERC Issues Draft amendments to the Tamil Nadu Electricity Distribution Code to facilitate consumers to obtain supply under the “Ease of doing business”

The Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission has issued draft amendments to the Tamil Nadu Electricity Distribution Code, to improve the High Tension (HT) or Low Tension (LT) line ratio, facilitate consumers to obtain supply under the ‘Ease of doing business’ programme of the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP), and provide choice of supply to other consumers.

Self-Regulatory Organizations of real estate Promoters to register under Maharashtra real estate regulator authority

The Maharashtra Real Estate Regulatory Authority, has introduced Self-Regulatory Organization (SRO) in the real estate sector in Maharashtra. The real estate developers and project promoters (SRO) shall register with MahaRERA to ensure greater professionalism among promoters and bring a certain level of consistency in the practices of promoters, enforcement of code of conduct and to discourage fraudulent promoters.

Haryana Development and Regulation of Urban Areas Act, 1975 amended

The Haryana Development and Regulation of Urban Areas Act, 1975, (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Principal Act’) has been amended vide a gazette notification dated 3rd September, 2019. As per the amendment the following changes have been made to the Principal Act: The word “Infrastructure development charges”, wherever occurs in the principal act, has been […]