Master Plan for Delhi-2021

These revised parking norms shall become applicable on all sites/properties where construction has not yet begun, even if the plans have been approved by the concerned local body. In all such cases where the plans have already been approved, the properties may be developed with these revised norms and the concerned local body may be informed of the same in writing and no separate permission for the same is needed to be taken.

The Goa Land Development and Building Construction (Amendment) Regulations, 2021.

In case of building on stilts or building with basements, the height of the building shall be measured from the top of the stilts/basement. However, in case of High Rise Building, the height of the building shall be measured from the ground, the Fire and Life Safety Regulations as per Part 4 of the National Building Code of India 2016 shall be applicable.

The Gas Cylinders (Fourth Amendment) Rules, 2021.

Through this amendment it is notified that all the high pressure cylinders and Cryogenic containers used for filling Non-Toxic, Non-Flammable Gases and Liquids shall have permanent and tamperproof marking in form of QR code at conspicuous place on cylinders.