Master Plan for Delhi-2021
These revised parking norms shall become applicable on all sites/properties where construction has not yet begun, even if the plans have been approved by the concerned local body. In all such cases where the plans have already been approved, the properties may be developed with these revised norms and the concerned local body may be informed of the same in writing and no separate permission for the same is needed to be taken.
Government of Karnataka notifies The Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage (Amendment) Bill, 2021.
Every owner who proposes to construct a building on a sital area of not less than 108 square meter shall provide rain water harvesting structure for storage, for use or for ground water recharge in such manner and subject to such conditions as may be provided in the regulations and guidelines issued by the Board.
Govt. approves Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme for Auto Industry and Drone Industry to enhance India’s manufacturing capabilities.
The PLI Scheme for the auto sector envisages to overcome the cost disabilities to the industry for manufacture of Advanced Automotive Technology products in India. The incentive structure will encourage industry to make fresh investments for indigenous global supply chain of Advanced Automotive Technology products.
The Petroleum (Amendment) Rules, 2021.
A new rule 14 A which deals with Restriction on import and transport of ISO tank containers has been notified through this amendment.
The Static and Mobile Pressure Vessels (Unfired) (Amendment) Rules, 2021.
When a license granted under these rules is lost or accidentally destroyed, system-generated copy may be downloaded by the licensee from the online portal of Petroleum and Explosive Safety Organization.
Ministry of Power issues Guidelines for Encouraging Competition in Development of Transmission Projects.
In order to facilitate the smooth and rapid development of transmission capacity in the country as envisaged in the National Electricity Policy, inter State /intra State transmission projects, other than those exempted by the Central Government, shall be implemented through tariff based competitive bidding.
Government of Tamil Nadu extends the fire license for another 6 months.
The Validity period for statutory licenses given by departments like fire and rescue services, industries & pollution control board which will expire in May 2021 has been extended by six more months.
Ministry of Civil Aviation publishes (Draft) Drone Rules, 2021.
As per the draft rules, the number of forms to be filled to seek authorisation before operating a drone has been reduced from 25 to six and operating drones without a unique identification number will not be allowed, unless exempted.
The Goa Land Development and Building Construction (Amendment) Regulations, 2021.
In case of building on stilts or building with basements, the height of the building shall be measured from the top of the stilts/basement. However, in case of High Rise Building, the height of the building shall be measured from the ground, the Fire and Life Safety Regulations as per Part 4 of the National Building Code of India 2016 shall be applicable.
The Gas Cylinders (Fourth Amendment) Rules, 2021.
Through this amendment it is notified that all the high pressure cylinders and Cryogenic containers used for filling Non-Toxic, Non-Flammable Gases and Liquids shall have permanent and tamperproof marking in form of QR code at conspicuous place on cylinders.