RERA BIHAR arranges option to submit online the applications for the extension of the completion dates of the registration of the project
The Promoter needs to log in to their web page where they have been given a facility to submit an online application.
The City of Panaji Corporation (Amendment) Act, 2022.
If any person without obtaining a licence from the Commissioner carries on any trade or occupation in any premises within the limits of the Corporation area, the Commissioner shall, after giving an opportunity of being heard to such person, pass an order to seal such premises
Modified scheme for setting up of Semiconductor facilities in India
The modified scheme is issued with the objective to attract investments for setting up Compound Semiconductors / Silicon Photonics (SiPh) / Sensors (including MEMS) Fabs/ Discrete Semiconductors Fabs and Semiconductor ATMP / OSAT facilities in the country to strengthen the electronics manufacturing ecosystem and help establish a trusted electronics value chain in the areas of application of these fabrication and packaging technologies.
Ministry of Defence extends the Online Building Plan Approval System (OBPAS) to five more Cantonment Boards.
eChhawani is a Citizen Centric project of Directorate General of Defence Estates, Ministry of Defence to provide online services across 62 Cantonment Boards through a common web portal in paperless, faceless and cashless manner. Online Building Plan Approval System (OBPAS) module under eChhawani was initially rolled out to enable ‘Ease of Living’ and ‘Ease of Doing Business” for residents in 17 Cantonment Boards.
Directorate General of Training (DGT) launches Bharatskills Forum, a digital knowledge-sharing platform for the ITIs’ trainees, trainers and industry.
DGT in Oct 2019 had launched an online learning platform called the Bharatskills ( ), a Central Digital Repository for the trainees and trainers of the ITI ecosystem, providing easy access to updated curriculum, e-books, Question Banks, mock/practice papers, learning videos, etc., for courses under the Craftsmen Training Scheme (CTS), Craft Instructor Training Scheme (CITS) and the Apprenticeship Training Scheme (ATS), thus enabling anytime, anywhere learning outside the classrooms.
Ministry of Consumer Affairs releases handbook on Safety in Electrical Installations and Guide for Using National Building Code of India 2016.
The handbook creates awareness about Electrical Safety and provides technical guidance for wiring installations in buildings.
The Bihar Real Estate Regulatory Authority (General) Regulations (Amendment), 2022.
The promoter or agent as the case may be, who fails to submit all relevant documents or does not comply with other requirement of registration as per the provisions of the Act, Rules and Regulations even after an opportunity is given to the applicant to rectify the deficiency in a period as specified by the Authority depending on the merit of the case, shall be treated as incomplete and would be liable to be rejected.
Government of Kerala increases the deposit limit under Kerala Water Authority (Water Supply) Amendment Regulations, 2022.
Through this amendment, the applicants seeking casual connections shall deposit an amount equal to the cost of 2.5 Kilo litres of water for each square meter of the plinth area of the building proposed to be constructed at the premises at the rate of Rs.105 per square meter subject to a maximum deposit limit of ` 3,00,000”
The Goa Land Development and Building Construction (Amendment) Draft Regulations, 2022.
Uses such as Agricultural Research Centre/development centre/Agricultural Educational Institute/Bio-Technology unit shall be permitted provided that the plot has minimum area of 2,00,000m2, the maximum Coverage, FAR and height of building permissible shall be 5%, 5% and 7.60m respectively.
The Goa Land Development and Building Construction (Amendment) Draft Regulations, 2022.
The Licencing Authority/Planning and Development Authority/Town and Country Planning Department shall carry out Post Occupancy Audit on a random basis, from time to time for group housing/residential multi dwelling buildings and multistoried buildings