RBI launches the Survey on Foreign Liabilities and Assets of Mutual Fund and Asset Management Companies.
All Asset Management companies (AMCs) and Mutual Fund companies are directed to submit the annual return on Foreign Liabilities and Assets (FLA) online through the web-based portal (https://flair.rbi.org.in) by July 31, 2021.
RBI launches Survey on Computer Software and Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES) Exports.
The respondent companies/LLPs/proprietorship firm can submit their responses within a month i.e by 31st July 2021 of the launch of the survey.
RBI guidelines on distribution of dividend by NBFCs
Reserve Bank of India has issued guidelines on distribution of dividend by NBFCs. These guidelines shall be effective for declaration of dividend from the profits of the financial year ending March 31, 2022 and onwards.
RBI issues clarification regarding delisting from UNSC’s ISIL (Da’esh) & Al-Qaida Sanctions List
As per the instructions from the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), any request for delisting received by any Regulated Entity (RE) is to be forwarded electronically to Joint Secretary (CTCR), MHA for consideration.
Regulations Review Authority (RRA 2.0)
RBI has set up a Regulations Review Authority (RRA 2.0) to make regulatory and supervisory instructions more effective by removing redundancies and duplications, if any.
NFRA issues report of Technical Advisory Committee on Enhancing Engagement with Stakeholders
NFRA report of Technical Advisory Committee on Enhancing Engagement with Stakeholders is published for comments from stakeholders and the last date for receipt of the comments is 10th July 2021.
RBI extends Risk Based Internal Audit requirement to Housing Finance Companies
All deposit taking HFCs, irrespective of their size and non-deposit taking HFCs with asset size of ₹5,000 crore should put in place a RBIA framework by June 30, 2022.
RBI issues notification on Investment in Entities from FATF Non-compliant Jurisdictions.
The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) periodically identifies jurisdictions with weak measures to combat money laundering and terrorist financing (AML / CFT) in its following publications: i) High-Risk Jurisdictions subject to a Call for Action, and ii) Jurisdictions under Increased Monitoring.
RBI Increases interchange fee and customer charges for ATM transactions.
The Customers are eligible for five free transactions every month from their own bank ATMs and also eligible for free transactions (inclusive of financial and non-financial transactions) from other bank ATMs viz. three transactions in metro centres and five transactions in non-metro centres.
Authorized Dealer Category-1 banks allowed to lend to FPIs for placing margins with CCIL
RBI has allowed banks in India having an Authorized Dealer Category-1 license under FEMA, 1999 to lend to FPIs in accordance with their credit risk management frameworks for the purpose of placing margins with CCIL in respect of settlement of transactions involving Government Securities (including Treasury Bills and State Development Loans) by the FPIs.