RBI notifies Integrated Ombudsman Scheme, 2021.

The Scheme integrates the existing three Ombudsman schemes of RBI namely, The banking ombudsman scheme 2006, the ombudsman scheme for non-banking financial companies 2018 and the ombudsman scheme for digital transactions, 2019.

RBI announces the activation of RBI Retail Direct Scheme with effect from 12th November 2021.

Under this scheme, retail individual investors will be able to open a Retail Direct Gilt (RDG) Account with the Reserve Bank of India, using an online portal (https://rbiretaildirect.org.in). The investors must have a permanent account number (PAN) issued by the Income Tax Department, a rupee savings bank account maintained in India, documents for KYC and registered email and mobile number.

RBI issues master direction on the interest rate on deposits.

As per section 19(d) the Interest on floating rate deposits shall be paid within the ceiling of swap rates for the respective currency/ maturity and in case of fixed rate deposits, interest shall be paid within the ceiling of Overnight Alternative Reference Rate for the respective currency/ maturity.

RBI issues master circular on Guarantees and Co-acceptances.

Banks should not execute guarantees for enabling placement of funds with NBFCs or other non-banking entities directly or indirectly, including inter-company deposits/ loans. This stipulation will apply to all sources of funds raised by such entities, e.g. deposits/ loans received from trusts and other institutions.

RBI permits FPIs to invest in debt securities issued by InvITs and ReEITs.

The union budget 2021-2022 announced that debt financing of Infrastructure Investment Trusts (InvITs) and Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) by Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs) will be permitted by amending the applicable legislation. Accordingly, it has been decided to permit FPIs to invest in debt securities issued by InvITs and REITs.