Incentive scheme for the promotion of RuPay Debit Cards and low-value BHIM-UPI transactions
Under the said scheme, acquiring banks will be provided financial incentives, for promoting Point-of-Sale (PoS) and e-commerce transactions using RuPay Debit Cards and low-value BHIM-UPI transactions (P2M) for the current financial year FY 2022-23.
RBI issues notice of selection of six applications for the Fourth Cohort on Prevention and Mitigation of Financial Frauds
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) had announced the opening of the Fourth Cohort on Prevention and Mitigation of Financial Frauds under Regulatory Sandbox. It had invited applications to this Cohort by a press release dated 6th June 2022. RBI has now issued a press release announcing its receipt of applications for the said Cohort. The present press release was issued on 5th January, 2023.
Revised list of domestic credit rating agencies (arranged in alphabetical order) for risk weighting their claims for capital adequacy purposes
RBI issues revised list of domestic credit rating agencies (arranged in alphabetical order) for risk weighting their claims for capital adequacy purposes.
RBI Rationalizes reporting Foreign Investment in Single Master Form (SMF) on FIRMS Portal
In cases of delayed reporting, the AD banks shall either advise the Late Submission Fee (LSF) to the applicants, which will be computed by the system or advise for compounding of contravention, as the case may be.
Master Directions – Mortgage Guarantee Companies (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016
The amendment has provided the guidelines the Mortgage Guarantee Companies shall comply with while declaring dividends.
NSE issues a notification on Tri-Party Repo Market (TRM) Platform – Settlement Calendar for January 2023
Members are requested to transfer securities for Tri-Party Repo Market (TRM) Platform settlement using Settlement mode as ‘On-market’. The settlement calendar for CBRICS for the Month of January 2023 for the NSDL transfer is attached to this notification.
NSE notifies on API for daily submissions of Holding Statement and Bank Balances
Holding statements and Bank balances will now have to be submitted on a daily basis. Prior to the present notification, these had to be submitted on a weekly basis. Hence, now members will be required to make the submission of Holding Statements and Bank Balances for each day of the week (except Sunday). These submissions shall begin daily from 16th January, 2023, whose due date shall be January 17, 2023.
RBI revises Master Direction – Non-Banking Financial Company – Housing Finance Company (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2021
The revised master direction is issued for the purpose of enabling the Bank to regulate the financial system to the advantage of the country and to prevent the affairs of any Housing Finance Company (HFCs) from being conducted in a manner detrimental to the interest of investors and depositors or in any manner prejudicial to the interest of such HFCs.
NPCI issues a Notification regarding Mandating IIN Validation and Check Transaction Status API for Banks and Plazas
Plazas shall fetch a list of active participants from NPCI via Banks on a daily basis using the ‘List Participant’ API and enable IIN Validation for all tags being scanned. This will put a check on Fraudulent IIN Tag Transactions and speed up the update of new participant member details in the ecosystem.
PFRDA notifies NPS/APY Functionalities released by CRAs during Quarter II (FY 2022-23)
The Central Record Keeping Agencies (CRAs) have been given responsibilities to develop new functionalities or utilities, establish new processes, and offer multiple models of interface for the uploading offices. Additionally, a list of functionalities that have been developed and made available by CRAs during Quarter II of the current FY 2022-23.