Onboarding of more banks on UDGAM portal

Reserve Bank of India launched a Centralized Web Portal UDGAM (Unclaimed Deposits – Gateway to Access inforMation) on August 17, 2023 for the public to facilitate and make it easier for them to search their unclaimed deposits across multiple banks at one place. The search facility was initially made available on the portal for seven banks and it was intimated to public that the search facility for remaining banks on the portal would be made available in a phased manner by October 15, 2023.

Standards of accessibility for person’s with disabilities for banking sector

The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016, mandates the Central Government to formulate rules and standards for accessibility in various sectors, including banking. RBI and IBA have issued guidelines ensuring that banking services, including ATM facilities, are available to all, including visually impaired and differently-abled individuals.

Master Direction – Reserve Bank of India (Prudential Regulations on Basel III Capital Framework, Exposure Norms, Significant Investments, Classification, Valuation and Operation of Investment Portfolio Norms and Resource Raising Norms for All India Financial Institutions) Directions, 2023

These Directions shall be applicable to the All India Financial Institutions (AIFIs) regulated by the Reserve Bank, viz. the Export-Import Bank of India (EXIM Bank), the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD), the National Bank for Financing Infrastructure and Development (NaBFID), the National Housing Bank (NHB) and the Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI).