RBI issues Credit/Investment Concentration Norms

NBFC-BL shall put in place an internal Board approved policy for credit/investment concentration limits for both single borrower/party and single group of borrowers/parties. In case of NBFC UL, to be eligible as a credit risk transfer instrument, guarantees shall be direct, explicit, irrevocable and unconditional.

Draft circular on ‘Review of regulatory framework for HFCs and harmonization of regulations applicable to HFCs and NBFCs’

Master Direction – Non-Banking Financial Company – Housing Finance Company (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2021 has prescribed periodicity of IS Audit is prescribed. It is now advised that the Audit Committee must ensure that an Information System Audit is conducted as per the periodicity prescribed in Master Direction on Information Technology Governance, Risk, Controls and Assurance Practices dated November 07, 2023, as amended from time to time.

RBI issues revised instructions for Inoperative Accounts /Unclaimed Deposits in Banks

RBI has issued comprehensive guidelines on the measures to be put in place by the banks covering various aspects of classifying accounts and deposits as inoperative accounts and unclaimed deposits, as the case may be, periodic review of such accounts and deposits, measures to prevent fraud in such accounts/deposits, grievance redressal mechanism for expeditious resolution of complaints, steps to be taken for tracing the customers of inoperative accounts/ unclaimed deposits including their nominees/ legal heirs for re-activation of accounts, settlement of claims or closure and the process to be followed by them.