Draft Regulation of Payment Aggregators – physical Point of Sale

Non-bank entities offering PA-POS services are required to seek authorization from the RBI within a specified timeline. Existing entities must intimate their intention to seek authorization within 60 days of the circular’s issuance and apply for authorization by a designated deadline. Non-bank PAs authorized for online transactions are also required to seek approval from the RBI to continue their PA-POS activities.

RBI permits resident entities to hedge their exposures to price risk of gold using OTC derivatives in the IFSC

To provide further flexibility to resident entities to hedge their exposures to price risk of gold, it has now been decided to permit resident entities to hedge their exposures to price risk of gold using OTC derivatives in the IFSC in addition to the derivatives on the exchanges in the IFSC, subject to the stipulations set out in the Master Direction – Foreign Exchange Management (Hedging of Commodity Price Risk and Freight Risk in Overseas Markets) Directions, 2022, as amended from time to time.

Launch of RBI’s new website and mobile application

The new website and mobile application of the Reserve Bank of India was released which can be accessed using the URL https://website.rbi.org.in. The new mobile application of Reserve Bank of India can be downloaded from Play store for Android users and App Store for iOS users.

IFSCA (Vault Manager) Amendment Circular

The amendment provides that a registered Vault Manager may make an application in such form and manner as may be specified by the Authority for registration of additional vault(s) under its existing registration.

Omnibus Framework for recognizing Self-Regulatory Organizations for its Regulated Entities

The omnibus framework contains broad parameters viz., objectives, responsibilities, eligibility criteria, governance standards, application process and other basic conditions for grant of recognition, which will be common for any SRO proposed to be recognized by the Reserve Bank. Other sector-specific guidelines like number of SROs, membership, etc., shall be issued separately by the respective departments of the Reserve Bank wherever a sectoral SRO is intended to be set up.