RBI revised Master Direction on Risk Management and Inter-Bank Dealings

Standalone Primary Dealers may borrow in foreign currency from their parent or correspondent outside India or any other entity as permitted by Reserve Bank of India and avail overdraft in nostro accounts (not adjusted within five days), only for operational reasons. Such borrowings shall be within the limit for foreign currency borrowings prescribed in the Master Direction – Standalone Primary Dealers (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016 dated August 2016.

RBI directions for issue of Irrevocable Payment Commitments

Only those custodian banks will be permitted to issue IPCs, who have a clause in the Agreement with clients giving the banks an inalienable right over the securities to be received as pay out in any settlement. However, this clause will not be insisted upon if the transactions are pre-funded i.e., either clear INR funds are available in the customer’s account or, in case of FX deals, the bank’s nostro account has been credited before the issuance of the IPC.

Draft Master Direction – Reserve Bank of India (Electronic Trading Platforms) Directions, 2024

These Directions are issued to the entities operating Electronic Trading Platforms (ETPs) on which transactions in eligible instruments, as defined under these Directions, are contracted. These Directions shall not apply to electronic systems operated by scheduled commercial banks and standalone primary dealers for transactions in eligible instruments wherein the bank or the primary dealer operating the electronic system is the sole quote/price provider and invariably a party to all transactions contracted on the system.

RBI framework for Voluntary transition of Small Finance Banks to Universal Banks

The eligible SFB may submit its application for transition to Universal Bank, in the prescribed form (Form III) in terms of Rule 11 of the Banking Regulation (Companies) Rules, 1949, along with other requisite documents, to Department of Regulation, Reserve Bank of India, Central Office, 12th Floor, Central Office Building, Shahid Bhagat Singh Road, Mumbai – 400001.