RBI Report on Municipal Finances

Comments on this publication may be sent to the Director, Division of Local Finances, Department of Economic and Policy Research, Reserve Bank of India, 1st Floor, Maratha Mandir Road, Mumbai-400 008 or through e-mail.

Operational framework for reclassification of Foreign Portfolio Investment to Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) under Foreign Exchange Management (Non-debt Instruments) Rules, 2019

In consultation with the Government of India and SEBI, the Reserve Bank of India has finalised an operational framework for reclassification of Foreign Portfolio Investment made by Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPI) to Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) under Foreign Exchange Management (Non-debt Instruments) Rules, 2019 in case of any breach of the investment limit by the FPIs concerned.

RBI publishes latest status of withdrawal of ₹2000 Denomination Banknotes

The facility for exchange of the ₹2000 banknotes is available at the 19 Issue Offices of the Reserve Bank (RBI Issue Offices) since May 19, 2023. From October 09, 2023, RBI Issue Offices are also accepting ₹2000 banknotes from individuals / entities for deposit into their bank accounts. Further, members of the public are sending ₹2000 banknotes through India Post from any post office within the country, to any of the RBI Issue Offices for credit to their bank accounts.