Fresh applications invited from project proponents who have acquired land for ethanol project for financial assistance

The Central Government has now decided to open a window for six months w.e.f. date of this Notification
under modified scheme for inviting fresh applications from those project proponents who have acquired land for ethanol project and obtained Environmental Clearance (EC) for enhancement of their existing ethanol distillation capacity or to set up new distillery for producing 1st Generation (1G) ethanol from feed stocks such as cereals (rice, wheat, barley, corn & sorghum), sugarcane (including sugar, sugar syrup, sugarcane juice, Bheavy molasses, C-heavy molasses), sugar beet etc.

The Fertiliser (Inorganic, Organic or Mixed) (Control) Amendment Order, 2022.

In cases where the samples were drawn from the dealers out of original sound bags (without any mark of tempering) and are found non-standard, then in such circumstances both dealer and manufacturer shall be made party for filling the case in the concerned court under the Act and proceedings under clause 31 of this Order.

The Insecticides ( Fourth Amendment) Draft Rules, 2021.

Through this amendment the Ministry has granted time upto 31st December 2022 for the applicant to comply with the prescribed qualification for obtaining license to sell, stock or exhibit for sale or distribute insecticides.

Ministry of Agriculture releases SOP for use of drone in pesticide application for crop protection and for spraying soil and crop nutrients.

The SOP for drone regulation for pesticide application covers important aspects like statutory provisions, flying permissions, area distance restrictions, weight classification, overcrowded areas restriction, drone registration, safety insurance, piloting certification, operation plan, air flight zones, weather conditions, SOPs for pre, post and during operation, emergency handling plan.