Union Agriculture Minister inaugurates the setting up of “Agriculture Investment Portal”
The “Krishi Nivesh Portal”
(Agriculture Investment Portal) will function as a centralized one stop portal for agri-investors. These investors can avail benefits of various government schemes implemented by various departments related to agriculture and allied sectors. The Government of India has allocated a special package of over Rs 1.5 lakh crore for agriculture and allied sectors under the Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan.
The Insecticides (Second Amendment) Rules, 2022.
the licensing officer shall inspect the manufacturing premises within six months from the date of endorsement of additional insecticide on license to satisfy itself that necessary plant and machinery, safety devices and first aid facilities and the like, exist in the premises where insecticide is proposed to be manufactured.
Modified Interest Subvention Scheme for Short Term Loans for Agriculture and Allied Activities availed through Kisan Credit Card (KCC) during the financial years 2022-23 and 2023-24
In order to provide short term crop loans and short term loans for allied activities including animal husbandry, dairy, fisheries, bee keeping etc. upto an overall limit of ₹3 lakh to farmers through KCC at concessional interest rate during the years 2022-23 and 2023-24, it has been decided to provide interest subvention to lending institutions viz. Public Sector Banks (PSBs) and Private Sector Banks (in respect of loans given by their rural and semi-urban branches only), Small Finance Banks (SFBs) and computerized Primary Agriculture Cooperative Societies (PACS) which have been ceded with Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs), on use of their own resources.
The Insecticides (Amendment) Draft Rules, 2022.
Through this amendment, it has been notified that no person shall use a label or leaflet that has not been amended in accordance with these rules after the expiry of six months from the date of coming into force of these rules.
Cabinet approves Nutrient Based Subsidy rates for Phosphatic and Potassic fertilizers for Rabi season 2022-23
The Union Cabinet has approved the proposal of the Department of Fertilizers to subsidize various Nutrients, that is Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), Potash (K) and Sulphar (S) for Phosphatic and Potassic (P&K) fertilizers for Rabi Season – 2022-23 (from 01.10.2022 to 31.03.2023).
Government of Goa Revised Paddy Procurement rates
Jyoti – Rs. 18.00/Kg
Jaya – Rs. 15.00/Kg
All other varieties – Rs. 12.00/Kg
The Insecticides (Draft) amendment Rules, 2022.
The amendment is brought under rule 4B which states that “A person who applies for manufacturing licence shall possess or shall employ a person possessing the following educational qualification
The Restriction on use of Glyphosate Order, 2022.
if any person who holds the certificate of registration fails to return the certificate to the Registration Committee, within a period of three months, action shall be taken under the provisions contained in the Insecticides Act, 1968.
Revised Meghalaya Agriculture Response Vehicle Scheme
To reduce the burden of the operational cost on the beneficiaries in the first two years of his business, Agriculture Department, GoM will support the beneficiary by paying (tentative) EMI.
Goa Agriculture Produce and Livestock Marketing (Promotion and Facilitation (Amendment) Act, 2022
The amendment provides that Marketing Board shall levy and collect market fee from buyer in respect of notified agricultural produce including livestock bought by such buyer in the principle market yard or sub market yard(s) or market sub-yard(s) or anywhere in the State of Goa either brought from outside the State or from within the State.