BIS Introduces Standard for Agri By-Product Utensils

The BIS states that IS 18267: 2023 covers various aspects, including raw materials, manufacturing techniques, performance, and hygiene requirements for the production of biodegradable utensils. The standard specifically recommends the use of agricultural by-products, such as leaves and sheaths, as preferred materials for making plates, cups, bowls, and more.

DGFT further revises policy condition for export of Basmati and Non-Basmati Rice to member states of the European Union

Certificate of Inspection by Export Inspection Council/ Export Inspection Agency shall be mandatory for export of basmati and non-basmati rice to UK, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. Export of basmati and non-basmati rice to remaining European countries will not require Certificate of Inspection by Export Inspection Council/ Export Inspection Agency from 29th May, 2023 till 29th November, 2023.

Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for the Application of Pesticides with Drones

Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, through the Press Information Bureau, has released a press note on Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for the Application of Pesticides with Drones. This SOP was released on 20th April, 2023. A booklet titled “Machinery for Millets Production, Processing and Value Addition” has also been released.

Insecticides (Second Amendment) Rules, 2023

The amendment mandates that the QR Code shall be placed on retail pack of insecticides (Primary or Secondary pack as the case may be) at suitable place where on scanning the QR code by scanning equipment like mobile phone, a web link or link for opening the URL of the Manufacturing company will appear, which on pressing or clicking, will take the user to the entire unique information of label and leaflet.