Government of India schemes implemented for promoting Gender justice and women’s empowerment

In the past few years, India is witnessing a rapid transition from women’s-development to women-led development with the vision of a new India. To this end, the Government has adopted a multi-pronged approach to address issues of women on a life-cycle continuum basis encompassing educational, social, economic and political empowerment, so that they become equal partners in fast paced and sustainable national development.

Food Corporation of India Boosts Market Supply of Wheat & Rice

The government, in its latest initiative, has allocated 101.5 LMT (Lakh Metric Tonnes) of wheat for offloading under the Open Market Sales Scheme (Domestic). The reserve price for both FAQ wheat and URS wheat has been set at Rs. 2150/Qtl and Rs. 2125/Qtl, respectively. Since the commencement of the offloading on June 28, 2023, a total of 25 e-auctions have been conducted, resulting in the sale of 48.12 LMT of wheat in the open market.

High Yielding Species of Seeds of Pulses

High Yielding Variety Seeds (HYV seeds) are resistant to insects and diseases and have a high yielding capacity. These seeds are of better quality and are a better option for surplus and healthy production of crops.

Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) Develops 142 Biofortified Crop Varieties

The field crops encompass a range of staples, with notable quantities developed in rice (10 varieties), wheat (43 varieties), maize (20 varieties), pearl millet (11 varieties), small millets (13 varieties), lentil (2 varieties), chickpea (2 varieties), and more. Additionally, 18 biofortified varieties of horticultural crops, such as sweet potato, amaranthus, greater yam, potato, cauliflower, okra, grapes, banana, guava, and pomegranate, have been introduced.

National Mission on Sustainable Agriculture

The main focus of the meeting was to discuss agricultural policies and initiatives towards sustainable food systems, market access issues, India-EU FTA negotiations and bilateral agreement of Organic Products.

Draft Honey Grading and Marking Rules, 2023

These rules mark a significant step towards ensuring the quality and safety of honey in the market, providing consumers with transparent information about the products they purchase and consume. The regulations aim to bolster consumer confidence and elevate the standards of honey products available in the market.

Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana to Boost India’s Fisheries Sector

Under PMMSY, a robust fisheries management framework is established, providing need-based support to States and Union Territories for the formulation and implementation of fisheries management plans. The scheme also promotes aquaculture, mariculture, post-harvest management, and various economic activities within the fisheries sector, with the overarching goal of enhancing income and improving the socio-economic conditions of fishers and stakeholders.

India Elected to Executive Committee of Codex Alimentarius Commission

As a member of the Executive Committee, India will not only have a significant say in international standard-setting for various food product categories but will also actively participate in decision-making processes. India has also been recognised by FAO for being the host country secretariat for Codex Committee on Spices and Culinary Herbs and its contribution to codex.

New Enhanced Rates of Financial Support for Torrefaction Plants

The maximum financial assistance for setting up of torrefaction plant is raised from INR 28 lakh to INR 56 lakh per Ton Per Hour (TPH) production capacity or 40% of capital cost for plant and machinery of one TPH plant, whichever is lower. Moreover, the amount of total financial assistance was also enhanced from INR 1.4 crore per proposal to INR 2.8 crore per proposal.