Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare Harnesses AI for Growth

Setting a precedent for the integration of advanced technologies to address challenges faced by farmers, the Ministry is championing the India Digital Ecosystem Architecture (InDEA) 2.0’s network approach, designed by the Ministry of Electronics & IT, Government of India

Labour Department issued notification regarding The Consumer Price Index

The Government of Kerala, Labour Department has issued notification regarding  The Consumer Price Index (Cost of Living Index) Numbers applicable to employees in employment under the Minimum Wages Act (Central Act XI of 1948) for the month of November 2023 as ascertained by the Director General of Economics & Statistics under clause (C) of the Act.

Insecticides (First Amendment) Rules, 2024

This amendment has extended the deadline for compliance with the new packaging and labeling requirements that were notified in the Insecticides (Second Amendment) Rules, 2023. The deadline for compliance of these new norms has been fixed as December 23, 2023.

Andhra Pradesh Milk Procurement (Protection of Farmer) and Enforcement of Safety of Milk Standards Rules, 2023

This Notification regulates safety of milk standards rules such as standard milk analyzer used for the purpose of determining the quality parameters like fat, SNF and gives results of these parameters within the tolerance range as per standards. The users of Milk Analyzer shall apply for the license to an authorized officer in the prescribed Form No 1 and on a payment of Rs 1000/- for a term of one year. Every Milk Analyzer shall apply for the license within 30days from the date of publication of these rules in the official gazette.

Draft Insecticides (First Amendment) Rules, 2024

These draft rules seek to extend the timeline for complying with the requirements of qualifications as per the Insecticides Act, 1971. As per this draft rules, all retailers or dealers possessing a valid licence without prescribed qualifications shall be allowed up to 30th June, 2024 to comply with the said qualifications.

Program On Honey Production Held By Government of Goa

This Ordinance maybe called the Manipur Labour Laws (Exemption from Renewal of registration and license by establishments) Ordinance 2023, It shall extent to the whole of Manipur. It shall come into force once. This Notification provides ordinance on employer relation, establishments, commencement of the act.

Government of Goa Provides Agriculture Loans At Zero Percent Interest Rate on Kisan Credit Card

The Directorate of Agriculture extend a helping hand to the farmers by providing a lucrative interest subsidy scheme on crop loan. Under the scheme “interest Subsidy on loans for agriculture & allied activities” Government of Goa provide the interest subsidy of 4%o in addition to interest subsidy of 3% provided by Government of India for short term crop loan up to Rs.3.00 lakh and for long term crop loan up to Rs. 5.00 Lakhs. Interest Subsidy is also provided on working capital for Animal Husbandry and Fisheries activities. This results in farmers accessing loans at an unpredictable Zero percent interest rates, a pivotal step towards ensuring financial sustainability for the dedicated farmers. It is important to note that the interest subsidy is provided only upon prompt repayment of loans to the banks.

Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs Approves Minimum Support Prices for Copra in 2024 Season

The approved MSPs for the 2024 season represent an increase of Rs.300 per quintal for milling copra and Rs.250 per quintal for ball copra compared to the previous season. This increased MSP not only ensures better returns for coconut growers but also serves as an incentive for farmers to expand copra production to meet the rising demand for coconut products, both domestically and internationally.

10th Governing Body Meeting of National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB)

The Union Minister emphasized the importance of addressing the specific needs of traditional fishermen, suggesting that NFDB examine the possibility of allocating a separate percentage for this community. Non-official Governing Body Members from different states also highlighted issues faced by the fishing community, emphasizing the need for sector development.