Plant Quarantine Requirements For Common Ash and Butcher’s-Broom Revised
The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare has issued two Plant Quarantine (Regulation of Import into India) Orders. The Orders bring Fraxinus excelsior, commonly known as Common Ash or European Ash and rhizomes for propagation of Ruscus aculeatus, commonly called butcher’s broom, within its ambit.
Special Conditions And Declarations For Import of Avocado From South Africa
The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare has issued the Plant Quarantine (Regulation of Import into India) (Third Amendment) Order, 2024. This order envisages the import of fruits for consumption of Persea americana (Avocado) from South Africa.
New Plant Quarantine Stations Notified
The Ministry of of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare has issued two notifications establishing new Plant Quarantine Station (PQS) in Orissa and Gujarat. These new PQS seek to expedite the inspection and clearance process for plant imports in the regions.
BIS Revises Standards for Chicken Feeds, Petroleum Products, Textiles, Paper and Plywood
The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has issued new certain standards for Chicken Feeds, Petroleum Products, Textiles, Paper and Plywood. These notifications were published on March 30, 2024.
Deadline Extended for Compliance with Agro Textiles Quality Control Order
The date for enforcement was previously fixed for April 1, 2024. However, businesses dealing with agro textiles now have until July 1st, 2024, to comply with the quality control regulations set by BIS.
New Seed Varieties Notified for All-India Production and Sale
The Government of India has announced the regulation of seed quality for specific crop varieties. This notification aims to ensure the availability of high-quality seeds for farmers across the country. The notification paves the way for these seeds to be sold for agricultural purposes.
Latest Deadline Extended for Insecticide License Holders to Acquire Qualifications
The amendment rules revise the timeline for compliance with qualification requirements for retailers and dealers possessing valid licences. All retailers or dealers possessing a valid licence without the prescribed qualification will now be allowed time up to June 30, 2024 to comply with the said qualifications.
Insecticides (Second Amendment) Rules, 2024 Introduced
Any individual seeking a license for pest control operations involving Glyphosate and its derivatives will be automatically granted a license if the licensing officer fails to approve the application within thirty days of its submission. This provision is applicable upon submission of the application along with a fee of one thousand rupees for all designated operation areas involving the use of Glyphosate and its derivatives.
Movement of Potato Seed Tubers Permitted Subject To Special Conditions
The Central Government has permitted the movement of potato seed tubers from select districts of Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, and Jammu & Kashmir to all other states and Union Territories of India. This decision comes with special conditions aimed at ensuring the prevention of the Potato Cyst Nematode and safeguarding the environment.
Karnataka Agricultural Produce Marketing (Regulation and Development) (Amendment) Act, 2024
The Karnataka Agricultural Produce Marketing (Regulation and Development) (Amendment) Act, 2024 introduces significant amendments aimed at the development and regulation of agricultural produce markets in Karnataka. The establishment of the Market Development Assistance Fund and the provisions for its utilization are central to the Act.