PM-KISAN Scheme: New Transformation for Farmer Welfare in India

The PM-KISAN scheme, along with MSP policies and procurement mechanisms, showcases the Indian government’s dedicated efforts to support and sustain the agricultural sector. By ensuring timely financial assistance, transparent transactions, and fair pricing, these initiatives aim to bolster the livelihoods of farmers and promote sustainable agricultural practices across the country.

Tea Board of India Issues New Compliance Directives for 2024

On July 15, 2024, the Tea Board of India issued new directives requiring mandatory compliance from all tea manufacturers. This advance notice is to ensure adequate time for planning. Non-compliance will lead to actions under Clause 5(1)(d) of the Tea (Marketing) Control Order, 2003, which may include penalties, license suspension, or other appropriate measures.

Government of Uttar Pradesh Issues New Minimum rates of Wages

The Government of Uttar Pradesh notified the minimum rates of wages payable to the employees employed in agricultural employment in the state of Uttar Pradesh on July 9th 2024. The Minimum Rates of Wages have been revised to Rs. 6162/- per month or Rs. 237/- per day for the following types of agricultural works, for the whole of Uttar Pradesh:

West Bengal Governments New GST Amendment

On July 16, 2024, the Government of West Bengal revised the minimum wages for employees in 30 scheduled employments. The updated rates will be effective from July 1, 2024, to December 31, 2024.

Haryana Government Issues New GST Amendment

On July 15, 2024, the Government of Haryana amended notification No.36/ST-2, dated June 30, 2017, regarding agricultural farm produce under GST. The update clarifies that packages of agricultural produce larger than 25 kilograms or 25 liters will not be considered “pre-packaged and labelled” for GST purposes.

Government Of Bihar Issues New GST Notification

On July 15, 2024, the Government of Bihar amended notification No.2/2017-State Tax (Rate), dated June 29, 2017. The amendment states that agricultural produce packaged in quantities greater than 25 kilograms or 25 liters will not be considered “pre-packaged and labelled” under GST rules.

Mutual Recognition Agreement between India and Taiwan for Organic Products

By virtue of this agreement, agricultural products produced and handled organically in conformity with the National Programme for Organic Production (NPOP) and accompanied by an organic demonstration document (transaction certificate, etc.) issued by an accredited certification body under NPOP are allowed for sale in Taiwan as organically produced including display of the “India Organic” logo.

Fresh Updates To List Of Notified And Referral Laboratories Testing Fortified Rice Products

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has once again revised its lists of notified and referral laboratories authorized to test the nutrient content of fortified rice products. FSSAI permits these laboratories to analyze samples of Fortified Rice (FR), Fortified Rice Kernels (FRK) and Vitamin-Mineral Premix for FRK for iron, vitamin B12 and vitamin B9.