Spilling The Tea On March 2024 Production Estimates

According to the report, the total estimated production of tea in India for March 2024 was 62.52 million kilograms (MKgs). This is a marked decrease from the 79.61 million kilograms produced in March 2023.

Amendments in Focus: Strengthening Agricultural Regulation

In the exercise of authority granted by the Insecticides Act, 1968 (46 of 1968) (hereinafter referred to as “the said Act”), the Central Government, following consultation with the Central Insecticides Board, hereby introduces the subsequent amendments to the Schedule of the said Act.

India Allows Limited Onion Exports To Specified Countries

It may be recalled that a ban on onion exports was implemented due to concerns about lower crop yields compared to the previous year. However, the government has now permitted limited exports to Bangladesh, UAE, Bhutan, Bahrain, Mauritius and Sri Lanka,

Veterinary Council of India Announces Elections for New Members

The Veterinary Council of India (VCI) is holding elections to elect new members from registered veterinary practitioners. Only individuals registered in the Indian Veterinary Practitioners Register of the VCI can submit nominations. These individuals can send or deliver their nomination paper in Form-I. Alternatively, the eligible candidates have the option to submit their nomination papers online to the returning officer by e-mail.