Cast Iron Products (Quality Control) Order, 2024

The Ministry of Commerce and Industry has issued the Cast Iron Products (Quality Control) Order, 2024. This order mandates stricter quality control measures for domestically manufactured cast iron products. It has come into effect June 21, 2024.

Manufacturers must ensure their cast iron products adhere to the applicable Indian Standard from the six standards specified in the order.

Additionally, cast iron products must bear the Standard Mark issued by the BIS under a valid license.



Cast iron products meant for export are exempt from these regulations.

Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs):

Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs), as defined under the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006, will have a grace period to comply. Micro Enterprises shall comply with this order from March 1, 2025 and Small Enterprises shall comply with this order from December 1, 2024.

Small Manufacturers:

Cast iron products domestically manufactured by enterprises with an investment in plant and machinery under Rs. 25 lakh and a turnover below Rs. 2 crore in the previous financial year are exempt. This exemption is subject to certification by a Chartered Accountant and the enterprise being registered on the Udyam portal.

Research and Development:

Import of cast iron products for research and development purposes is allowed up to 200 kg per year, subject to specific conditions such as:

  1. imported goods and articles shall not be sold commercially and
  2. they shall be disposed of as a scrap and
  3. manufacturer shall maintain year-wise record of the imported goods or articles and
  4. this record shall be furnished to the Central Government in its letter head duly signed by its authorized signatory.