BSE mandates submission and scrutiny of identity and address proof of all the newly onboarded clients with permanent address ‘Sikkim’

The Bombay Stock Exchange vide notice dated 08 August 2022 has directed trading members to send the identity and address proof of all the newly onboarded clients (irrespective of whether PAN has been submitted by account holder or not) to the Exchange, where the correspondence or permanent address of the client is ‘Sikkim’. The aforesaid documents should be sent vide email on

In case of any deviations observed by the Exchange during the scrutiny of records, the same shall be informed to the trading member for necessary corrective actions. However, in absence of corrective action by the trading member within 10 days from the date of intimation of the discrepancy, then trading member shall mark such account as closed with immediate effect and discrepant UCCs shall be considered as non-compliant and not permitted to trade. The Exchange may take any other disciplinary action that it may deem fit.